
我已经阅读并测试了这里提出的所有解决方案,所有可用的传感器以及有或没有 LPF、重新映射等,但没有设法解决这个问题。

有没有人可以解决这个问题?我需要有一个稳定的方位角,以使水平面至少有 + 或 - 45 度的俯仰变化,反之亦然。提前致谢。


1 回答 1


azimuth is very trickie thing.

first of all remember that you need to calculate change when the orientaton is changed. the second thing you need to know that it is very sensitive for diffrent kind of distortions. For example if you're testing it near some electrical thing, for example your pc, than your results can jump.

I've made some experiments during my masters and I've found out that one of best ways to filter distortions is you count average from some set of medians :) it practice it is very easy: you create set of results, than you pick median from it and pass it to second collection from witch you're counting average. It will allow you to reice preatty acurate results with out distortions but it can make some small delay in actualizations

于 2015-09-07T20:45:52.077 回答