
public void tempBan(Player p, Player banner, int timeInSeconds){
    Long timeInNano = (long) (timeInSeconds * 10^9);
    int newTime = (int) (System.nanoTime() + timeInNano);
    // here I want to convert newTime to a date 

我通过乘以 10^9 将秒转换为纳秒。现在我需要将当前系统时间加上我转换为纳秒的参数转换为日期。


3 回答 3



引用 JavaDoc:

此方法只能用于测量经过的时间,与系统或挂钟时间的任何其他概念无关。返回的值表示自某个固定但任意的原始时间以来的纳秒(可能在将来,因此值可能为负数)。在 Java 虚拟机实例中,此方法的所有调用都使用相同的来源;其他虚拟机实例可能使用不同的来源。

您可能想要System.currentTimeMillis(),在这种情况下,您可以使用new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + milliseconds)来获取未来该毫秒数的日期。


于 2015-09-07T18:13:45.983 回答


public class TimeProvider{
    private final static long  jvm_diff;
    static {
        jvm_diff = System.currentTimeMillis()*1000_000-System.nanoTime();   

    public static long getAccurateNow(){
        return System.nanoTime()+jvm_diff;


尽管如此,您可以通过这种方式创建自己的 Clock 实现,以使用高级 Java 数据时间类。

public class HighLevelClock extends Clock {

    private final ZoneId zoneId;

    public HighLevelClock(ZoneId zoneId) {
        this.zoneId = zoneId;
    static long nano_per_second = 1000_000_000L;

    public ZoneId getZone() {
        return zoneId;

    public Clock withZone(ZoneId zoneId) {
        return new HighLevelClock(zoneId);

    public Instant instant() {
        long nanos = TimeProvider.getAccurateNow();
        return Instant.ofEpochSecond(nanos/nano_per_second, nanos%nano_per_second);



Clock highLevelClock = new HighLevelClock(ZoneId.systemDefault());
System.out.println(LocalDateTime.now(highLevelClock));  //2020-04-04T19:22:06.756194290
System.out.println(ZonedDateTime.now(highLevelClock));  //2020-04-04T19:22:06.756202923+04:00[Asia/Baku]
System.out.println(LocalTime.now(highLevelClock));  //19:22:06.756220764
于 2020-04-04T15:27:35.877 回答

You can convert it into system time using the below code

public static long convertToUnixMs(final long timeMs) {
    final long refMonoMs = monoTimeMs();
    final long refUnixMx = System.currentTimeMillis();

    return refUnixMx + (timeMs - refMonoMs);
public static long monoTimeMs() {
        return System.nanoTime() / 1000000;


System.nonoTime() is a monotonic time that increases only, it has no idea of what time it is right now, but it would only increase regardless. So it is a good way for measuring elapsing time. But you can not convert this into a sensible time as it has no reference to the current time.

The provided method is a way to convert your stored nano time into a sensible time. First, you have a timeMs that is in nano time that you would like to convert. Then, you created another nanotime (i.e refMonoMs) and another System.currentTimeMillis() (i.e refUnixMx). Then you minus refMonoMs from the timeMs, and add the reference back into it to get the sensible time back.

于 2018-01-03T15:33:47.940 回答