WMS Webservice GeoServer WMS
我用这个公式得到 I, J , BBOX Formula Source
private void getXYFromLatLon(double lat, double lon, final int zoom) {
int tileSize = 256;
// double initialResolution = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / tileSize;
double initialResolution = 156543.03392804062;
double originShift = 20037508.342789244;
// LatLong to Meter
double mx = lon * originShift / 180.0;
double my = Math.log(Math.tan((90 + lat) * Math.PI / 360.0))
/ (Math.PI / 180.0);
my = my * originShift / 180.0;
// Meter to Pixels
double res = initialResolution / (2 * zoom);
double px = (mx + originShift) / res;
double py = (my + originShift) / res;
getBoundingBox(Double.valueOf(px).intValue(), Double.valueOf(py)
.intValue(), zoom);
// Pixel to tiles
final int tx = (int) Math.ceil(px / ((tileSize)) - 1);
final int ty = (int) Math.ceil(py / ((tileSize)) - 1);
getTileBound(tx, ty, zoom, tileSize);
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "X: " + tx + ",Y: " + ty,
}private void getTileBound(int tx, int ty, int zoom, int tileSize) {
double[] min = pixelToMeter(tx * tileSize, ty * tileSize, zoom);
double[] max = pixelToMeter((tx + 1) * tileSize, (ty + 1) * tileSize,
builder.append("\nMIN-X:" + min[0]).append("\nMIN-Y:" + min[1])
.append("\nMAX-X:" + max[0]).append("\nMAX-Y:" + max[1])
.append("\nI:" + (tx)).append("\nJ:" + (ty));
((TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1)).setText(builder.toString());
* Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "X: " + min.toString() +
* ",Y: " + max.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
}public String getTileNumber(final double lat, final double lon,
final int zoom) {
int xtile = (int) Math.floor((lon + 180) / 360 * (1 << zoom));
int ytile = (int) Math
.floor((1 - Math.log(Math.tan(Math.toRadians(lat)) + 1
/ Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat)))
/ Math.PI)
/ 2 * (1 << zoom));
if (xtile < 0)
xtile = 0;
if (xtile >= (1 << zoom))
xtile = ((1 << zoom) - 1);
if (ytile < 0)
ytile = 0;
if (ytile >= (1 << zoom))
ytile = ((1 << zoom) - 1);
System.out.println("xtile" + xtile);
// Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),
// xtile + "YY" + ytile + "Zoom" + (1 << zoom), Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
// .show();
return ("" + zoom + "/" + xtile + "/" + ytile);
}private double[] pixelToMeter(int x, int y, int zoom) {
int tileSize = 256;
double initialResolution = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / tileSize;
double originShift = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 2;
double res = initialResolution / (2 * zoom);
double mx = x * res - originShift;
double my = y * res - originShift;
return new double[] { mx, my };
基于缩放级别的问题我无法找到确切的值..基于正确的值我有调用 WMS webservices