One particular activity uses a gallery view and many images that are displayed when one item in the gallery view is clicked. When you scroll through the gallery, the scrolling is very smooth ONLY if one certain image is commented out (even if 40+ images/textviews are displayed). We've tried changing the resolution of that image, changing the scaletype, but it still lags the gallery view. This image takes up a large portion of the background. Have you ever encountered any problems similar to this? We would really appreciate any advice you have to offer.


1 回答 1


尝试使用 ImageIO 加载图像。然后检查它返回的 BufferedImage 的类型 ( BufferenImage.getType())。很可能不是TYPE_INT_ARGBTYPE_INT_RGB。(可能TYPE_CUSTOM。)在这种情况下,每个油漆都会进行转换。

于 2010-07-13T19:56:48.807 回答