第二:不要担心 NSCollectionViewItems ......担心每个人的“代表对象”,它保存在某个容器中。
第四:Core Data 没有给你有序集合的概念。这是为了支持存储类型,例如 NSSQLiteStoreType,您可能只想在几个项目(或一个)中出错而不加载整个列表。因此,如果您想要一个持久的排序顺序,您只能靠自己。为此,只需向您的实体添加一个名为“sortOrder”的属性并将其设为数字类型。
Sixth: Since you're using an array controller, you'll need to set its sort descriptors. You'll want to use your "sortOrder" key. That way, your fetched instances will always be kept sorted by their "sortOrder."
Seventh and finally: If you're trying to get the index of any objects in your array controller's set/array of objects, you'll want to ask it for its -arrangedObjects, so you're getting the index of the object in the sorted collection the array controller controls.
Hope that helps.
Update for Lion (10.7)
关于我的第六点:如果您的应用程序的目标是 10.7 及更高版本,[NSManagedObject 现在为您提供有序关系。][1] 使用 -mutableOrderedSetValueForKey: 和 -mutableOrderedSetValueForKey: 设置和检索 NSOrderedSets。耶!