从文档站点中,Pants 在 First Concepts 中提到它支持分布式缓存的概念以缓存已发布的工件。请参阅https://pantsbuild.github.io/first_concepts.html



2 回答 2


首先看看这是否有帮助:https ://pantsbuild.github.io/setup_repo.html#outside-caches并报告回来。

于 2015-09-02T23:05:54.533 回答

首先,您要设置裤子,以便将“好”值写入缓存。Pants 不会将增量构建的结果上传到缓存,因此我们通常建议您设置 CI 环境以发布到缓存,然后设置这些pants.ini 设置以防止锌在 CI 中执行增量构建。

# We don't want to use incremental compile in CI.  This should short-circuit
# some extra work Pants does to support incremental compile.
incremental: False

# Introduce some randomness when choosing the next chunk of work in order
# to share more work between different CI jobs.
size_estimator: random

有两种常用的设置:REST 缓存和 NFS 缓存

如果所有机器都能够访问一个通用的 NFS 服务器,那么使用 NFS 会很方便。CI Worker 的配置非常简单:

read_from: ["/mnt/nfs/shared-cache/pants-artifact-cache"]
read: True
write_to: ["/mnt/nfs/shared-cache/pants-artifact-cache"]
# For CI builds, turn on writing, but for developer workstations you may
# want to leave this off and mount the NFS dir read-only
write: True
# Turn off auto-purging of the buildcache, leave that to a cron job
max_entries_per_target: 0

这是作为 cronjob 安装的清理作业:

echo /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -c 14d /data2/shared-cache/pants-artifact-cache > /etc/cron.daily/pants-cache-clean
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/pants-cache-clean

如果要设置使用 REST 共享的缓存,可以将服务器配置为接受 PUT 和 DELETE 调用。然后使用 URL 配置缓存设置,如下所示:

read_from: ["https://pantscache.example.com/pants-artifact-cache/ro"]
read: True
write_to: ["https://pantscache.example.com/pants-artifact-cache/rw"]
# For CI builds, turn on writing, but for developer workstations you may
# want to leave this off.
write: True    

请参阅这篇文章以使用Pants设置基本的 NGINX。如果您想了解有关使用 Varnish 或多个 NGINX 服务器分片的更复杂缓存设置的详细信息,请咨询pants-devel@ 组或pantsbuild #general slack 组。

于 2016-05-01T12:45:48.927 回答