我们有一个在 Win 8 机器上运行的 Teamcity 实例,从 git repo 中提取。我们刚刚为 git 搬到了一个新的服务器,所以 IP 已经改变了。我远程连接到机器上并执行了 git pull 以便使用新 IP 更新已知主机。
我认为这会解决问题,但 Teamcity 仍然无法收集更改:
Started 'Wed Sep 02 17:40:50 BST 2015' on 'attdivdt03' by 'Phil'
Finished 'Wed Sep 02 17:40:51 BST 2015' with status 'FAILURE Unable to collect changes'
TeamCity URL
TeamCity server version is 9.0.1 (build 32116)
[17:40:50]i: TeamCity server version is 9.0.1 (build 32116)
[17:40:50]E: bt3
[17:40:50] : Checking for changes (started)
[17:40:50] : Collecting changes in 1 VCS root
[17:40:50] : [Collecting changes in 1 VCS root] VCS Root details
[17:40:50] : [VCS Root details] "GitLab (Win8Client) (1)" {instance id=6, parent internal id=3, parent id=win8client_GitLabAdgAtTUV1_2, description: "git@gitlab.piksel.com:adg-win-8/win-8-client.git#refs/heads/master"}
[17:40:51]E: Failed to collect changes, error: List remote refs failed: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail
[17:40:51] : Build finished
由于我能够从命令提示符手动提取更改,这表明 ssl 证书很好,Teamcity 中出现了一些问题。任何人都可以帮忙吗?