I'm quite new to ruby on rails and I was hoping to get some help. I've been able to figure out how to embed a youtube clip in to my show page and have the title show

Show View

  %h1= @youtube.title.html_safe 
    Shared by
    = @video.user.name
    = time_ago_in_words(@video.created_at)
      = @youtube.html.html_safe

Video Controller

def index
    @videos = Video.all.order("created_at DESC").paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 20)
    @video.link = Video.find(params[:id])
    @youtube = OEmbed::Providers::Youtube.get(@video.link)


def show
     @infos = Info.where(video_id: @video)
     @comments = Comment.where(video_id: @video)
     @random_video = Video.where.not(id: @Video).order("RANDOM()").first
     @youtube = OEmbed::Providers::Youtube.get(@video.link)

But then it comes to showing the Thumbnail and title in my index page, it tells me that I have a undefined method such as 'title'.

index View

- @videos.each do |video|
            = image_tag @youtube.thumbnail_url.html_safe, video
                %h2= @youtube.title.html_safe, video
                    Shared by
                    = video.user.name

Is there anyway that I can link the video id to the index page which will allow the Oembed to show the @youtube = OEmbed::Providers::Youtube.get(@video.link) thumbnail and title ?

thanks so much in advance


1 回答 1


您无法@youtube在控制器的 index 方法中进行设置,因为此时您有一系列视频。你需要的是这样的:


def index
    @videos = Video.all.order("created_at DESC").paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 20)

在你的 HAML 视图中

- @videos.each do |video|
    - youtube = OEmbed::Providers::Youtube.get(video.link)
            = image_tag youtube.thumbnail_url.html_safe, video
                %h2= youtube.title.html_safe, video
                    Shared by
                    = video.user.name
于 2015-09-02T18:41:44.073 回答