
我已经成功实现了一个使用 Microsoft PostScript 驱动程序并生成 ps 文件的程序。 (很多代码摘自不同的开源项目)

但是,由于生产服务器上 GhostScript 的许可问题(它不是免费的商业解决方案),我想实现一个不同的驱动程序来生成 XPS 文件或我可以用来提取文本、转换为 PDF 的任何其他格式,提取每个页面的图像等。

我与 postscript 驱动程序一起使用并且实际上运行良好的代码如下:

// Declare the AddPrinterDriver as extern.
[DllImport("winspool.drv", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool AddPrinterDriver(String pName, UInt32 Level, ref DRIVER_INFO_3 pDriverInfo);

// Create a function to call it.
public void AddPrinterDriver(string driverName, string driverPath, string dataPath, string configPath, string helpPath)
    DRIVER_INFO_3 di = new DRIVER_INFO_3();
    di.cVersion = 3;
    di.pName = driverName;
    di.pEnvironment = null;
    di.pDriverPath = driverPath;
    di.pDataFile = dataPath;
    di.pConfigFile = configPath;
    di.pHelpFile = helpPath;
    di.pDependentFiles = "";
    di.pMonitorName = null;
    di.pDefaultDataType = "RAW";

    if (!AddPrinterDriver(null, 3, ref di))
         Exception exc = new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
         throw exc;


public void InstallVirtualPrinter()
    // Declare file names for PostScript printer driver. (Preinstalled in Vista and Up)
    string driverFileName = "PSCRIPT5.DLL";
    string configFileName = "PS5UI.DLL";
    string helpFileName = "PSCRIPT.HLP";
    string dataFileName = "MyCustomConfig.PPD";

    string driverPath = null;
    string dataPath = null;
    string configPath = null;
    string helpPath = null;

        //Set Printer Driver Path and Files.
        string printerDriverPath = Path.Combine(GetPrinterDirectory(), "3");

        // Set the path for the driver files.
        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(printerDriverPath))
            driverPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", printerDriverPath, driverFileName);
            dataPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", printerDriverPath, dataFileName);
            configPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", printerDriverPath, configFileName);
            helpPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", printerDriverPath, helpFileName);

        // Add Printer Monitor
        if (!DoesMonitorExist(PrinterMonitorName))

        // Add Printer Port
        if (!DoesPrinterPortExist(PrinterPortName))
            AddPrinterPort(PrinterPortName, PrinterMonitorName);

        // Add Printer Driver
        if (!DoesPrinterDriverExist(PrinterDriverName))
            // This references the above method in this SO question.

            AddPrinterDriver(PrinterDriverName, driverPath, dataPath, configPath, helpPath);
            // This fails when trying with a driver different than PScript.

        // Add Printer
        if (!DoesPrinterExist(PrinterName))
            InstallPrinter(PrinterName, PrinterPortName, PrinterDriverName);

        // Configure Virtual Port
        ConfigureVirtualPort(PrinterMonitorName, PrinterPortName);

        // Restart Spool Service

        log.Info("Virtual printer installation completed successfully");
    catch (Exception exc)
        log.ErrorFormat("An exception has been raise when attempting to install the printer \n{0}", exc);


如何使用不同的驱动程序,如 UniDrv 或 XPS 来实现虚拟打印机/监视器?.

我通过替换上面代码中的以下行来尝试使用 UniDrv:

string driverFileName = "unidrv.dll";
string dataFileName = "sample.GPD";
string configFileName = "unidrvui.dll";
string helpFileName = "unidrv.hlp";

当我运行该方法时,AddPrinterDriver我得到一个异常指示"The system cannot find the file specified"

它没有说缺少什么文件。我假设可能缺少一些依赖项,或者我发现的 sample.GPD 文件不好。



1 回答 1


Before executing AddPrinterDriver, install all files (unidrv.dll, unidrvui.dll, sample.gpd) in the driver path ie., spool/drivers/x86Orx64 path.

于 2016-01-19T05:44:06.053 回答