虽然我很感激创建自己的 OwinMiddleware 以在进行一些检查而不是 IHttpModule 后发送图像的帮助,但这并不能完全解决问题。
问题是我在 ajax 请求中添加了一个 Authorization 标头,并且在该标头中我正在发送我的 Bearer's Token,以便我可以从 Owin 获取记录的用户信息。所以我必须将此标头添加到图像请求中,以便能够从图像处理程序中间件获取记录的用户信息。
我正在关注这篇博文,为我的 Web 项目创建基于令牌的身份验证。因为我的 Web API 的一些资源将被本地移动客户端使用。而且我听说基于令牌的身份验证是实现这一目标的方法。在我自己的项目中,我有一个自定义图像请求处理程序。并且需要在这个处理程序中记录用户信息。但是当我尝试从票证中提取用户信息时,我得到了空值。我对此不确定,但是,我想我这里有 2 个不同的 IIdentity 对象,我需要存储在 Owin Context 中的那个。
我的 GrantResourceOwnerCredentials 将声明存储到 ClaimsIdentity,
public override async Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
// checking user credentials and get user information into 'usr' variable
var identity = new ClaimsIdentity(context.Options.AuthenticationType);
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, context.UserName));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "user"));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim("sub", context.UserName));
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Sid, usr.UserId.ToString()));
var props = new AuthenticationProperties(new Dictionary<string, string>
"as:client_id", (context.ClientId == null) ? string.Empty : context.ClientId
"userId", usr.UserId.ToString()
var ticket = new AuthenticationTicket(identity, props);
从给定的 IIdentity 对象中提取用户 ID 的辅助函数
public class utils {
public Guid? GetUserIdFromTicket(IIdentity identity)
var cId = (ClaimsIdentity)identity;
var uid = cId.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Sid);
if (uid != null && Comb.IsComb(uid.Value))
return new Guid(uid.Value);
return null;
现在我可以从我的控制器中获取 loggedUserId,例如,
var loggedUserId = utils.GetUserIdFromTicket(User.Identity);
但是如果我从我的 IHttpHandler 调用它,我会得到空值,
public class ImageHandler : IHttpHandler
public ImageHandler()
public ImageHandler(RequestContext requestContext)
RequestContext = requestContext;
protected RequestContext RequestContext { get; set; }
public utils utils = new utils(); // changed name for simplicity.
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
var strUserId = RequestContext.RouteData.Values["userid"].ToString();
var strContentId = RequestContext.RouteData.Values["contentid"].ToString();
var fileName = RequestContext.RouteData.Values["filename"].ToString();
var size = RequestContext.RouteData.Values["size"].ToString();
var loggedUserId = utils.GetUserIdFromTicket(context.User.Identity);
image processing
在进行了一些检查后,我已经实现了自己的中间件来为我的用户提供图像。这是我的 Invoke 任务实现。其他一切都与已接受答案中的建议一样。但如上所述,为此,我必须发送带有授权标头的图像,否则loggedUserId 将再次为空。
public async override Task Invoke(IOwinContext context)
// need to interrupt image requests having src format : http://www.mywebsite.com/myapp-img/{userid}/{contentId}/{fileName}/{size}/
if (context.Request.Path.HasValue && context.Request.Path.Value.IndexOf("myapp-img") > -1)
// get values from url.
var pathValues = context.Request.Path.Value.Split('/');
var strUserId = pathValues[2].ToString();
var strContentId = pathValues[3].ToString();
var fileName = pathValues[4].ToString();
var size = pathValues[5].ToString();
// check if code returned a notfound or unauthorized image as response.
var hasError = false;
// get userId from static utils class providing current owin identity object
var loggedUserId = ChildOnBlogUtils.GetUserIdFromTicket(context.Request.User.Identity);
// save root path of application to provide error images.
var rootPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;
// assign content type of response to requested file type
context.Response.ContentType = ChildOnBlogUtils.GetContentType(context.Request.Path.Value.ToString());
// if user requested thumbnail send it without doing checks
if (size == "thumb")
imgPath = "images/" + strUserId.ToLower() + "/thumbnail/" + fileName;
var canSee = false;
// check if user can see the content and put the result into canSee variable
// I am using loggedUserId inside these checks
// end checks
if (canSee)
// removed some more checks here for simplicity
imgPath = "images/" + strUserId.ToLower() + "/" + fileName;
context.Response.ContentType = "Image/png";
var imgData = File.ReadAllBytes(rootPath + "/images/unauthorized.png");
await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(imgData, 0, imgData.Length);
hasError = true;
if (!hasError) // if no errors have been risen until this point. try to provide the requested image to user.
var imgData = UserMediaContainer.GetFileContent(imgPath); // get file from storage account (azure)
if (imgData.Length == 0)
context.Response.ContentType = "Image/png";
imgData = File.ReadAllBytes(rootPath + "/images/notfound.png");
await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(imgData, 0, imgData.Length);
await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(imgData, 0, imgData.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
context.Response.ContentType = "Image/png";
var imgData = File.ReadAllBytes(rootPath + "/images/notfound.png");
await context.Response.Body.WriteAsync(imgData, 0, imgData.Length);
else if (context.Request.Path.HasValue && context.Request.Path.Value.IndexOf("profile-img") > -1)
// profile image provider. Same code as providing thumbnails.
// if it is not an image request to be handled. move to the next middleware.
await Next.Invoke(context);