I'm trying to use the Delayed Message Queue for RabbitMQ from PHP, but my messages are simply disappearing.
I'm declaring the exchange with the following code:
false, /* passive, create if exchange doesn't exist */
true, /* durable, persist through server reboots */
false, /* autodelete */
false, /* internal */
false, /* nowait */
['x-delayed-type' => ['S', 'direct']]);
I'm binding the queue with this code:
false, /* Passive */
true, /* Durable */
false, /* Exclusive */
false /* Auto Delete */
$this->channel->queue_bind($queueName, "delay", $queueName);
And I'm publishing a message with this code:
$msg = new AMQPMessage(json_encode($msgData), [
'delivery_mode' => 2,
'x-delay' => 5000]);
$this->channel->basic_publish($msg, 'delay', $queueName);
But the message doesn't get delayed; it's still immediately delivered. What am I missing?