I'm trying to pass in parameters inline to a ARM template from within PowerShell using the following command:

azure group deployment create -f my_arm_template.json -g myresourcegroup -p '{\"slot\":\"blue\"}' --verbose

and receive the error:

Error converting value "blue" to type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack.Frontdoor.Data.Definitions.DeploymentParameterDefinition'. Path 'properties.parameters.slot'

I'm using the example given from this page: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-group-template-deploy/

I have tried without escaping the quotes just like the example and various other ways but every other attempt breaks when trying to validate my template.

UPDATE 1: I have tried this from CMD in addition to Powershell with the same results.


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问题不在于我逃避 JSON 的方式,而在于我给出的价值。代替:



于 2015-08-31T02:11:09.207 回答