Using Delphi XE, I have a JvCsvDataset component that is loading a CSV file which has 27 fields.

When the component tries to load the file I get the following error :

Too many fields, or too many long string fields in this record. You must increase the internal record size of the CsvDataSet.

When try it with a CSV file that has only 24 fields, it works fine.

How do I increase the internal record size of the CsvDataSet?

I've tried to reach Warren Postma who wrote the component but did not hear back from him.


1 回答 1


在将 active 设置为 True 之前,请指定字段的长度以保持在默认限制以下,或者将 TextBufferSize 的值设置为更大的值。


于 2015-08-30T16:26:50.473 回答