我正在使用 PyMC 将一些数据拟合成一条直线。数据有异常值,所以我改编了 Jake Vanderplas 为他的教科书编写的一些代码(链接中的第三个示例)。该方法使用向量变量qi
class lin_fit_ol(object):
fit a straight line to one independent variable
(`xi`, with zero errors) and one dependent variable
(`yi`, with possibly heteroscedastic errors `dyi`)
Outliers in `yi` are permitted
Intended to be a complement to a straight-line fit, for model
testing purposes
Modified from Vanderplas's code
(found at http://www.astroml.\
def __init__(self, xi, yi, dyi, value):
self.xi, self.yi, self.dyi, self.value = xi, yi, dyi, value
def beta(value=np.array([0.5, 1.0])):
"""Slope and intercept parameters for a straight line.
The likelihood corresponds to the prior probability of the parameters."""
slope, intercept = value
prob_intercept = 1 + 0 * intercept
# uniform prior on theta = arctan(slope)
# d[arctan(x)]/dx = 1 / (1 + x^2)
prob_slope = np.log(1. / (1. + slope ** 2))
return prob_intercept + prob_slope
def model(xi=xi, beta=beta):
slope, intercept = beta
return slope * xi + intercept
# uniform prior on Pb, the fraction of bad points
Pb = pymc.Uniform('Pb', 0, 1.0, value=0.1)
# uniform prior on Yb, the centroid of the outlier distribution
Yb = pymc.Uniform('Yb', -10000, 10000, value=0)
# uniform prior on log(sigmab), the spread of the outlier distribution
log_sigmab = pymc.Uniform('log_sigmab', -10, 10, value=5)
# qi is bernoulli distributed
# Note: this syntax requires pymc version 2.2
qi = pymc.Bernoulli('qi', p=1 - Pb, value=np.ones(len(xi)))
def sigmab(log_sigmab=log_sigmab):
return np.exp(log_sigmab)
def outlier_likelihood(yi, mu, dyi, qi, Yb, sigmab):
"""likelihood for full outlier posterior"""
Vi = dyi ** 2
Vb = sigmab ** 2
root2pi = np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
logL_in = -0.5 * np.sum(
qi * (np.log(2 * np.pi * Vi) + (yi - mu) ** 2 / Vi))
logL_out = -0.5 * np.sum(
(1 - qi) * (np.log(2 * np.pi * (Vi + Vb)) +
(yi - Yb) ** 2 / (Vi + Vb)))
return logL_out + logL_in
OutlierNormal = pymc.stochastic_from_dist(
'outliernormal', logp=outlier_likelihood, dtype=np.float,
y_outlier = OutlierNormal(
'y_outlier', mu=model, dyi=dyi, Yb=Yb, sigmab=sigmab, qi=qi,
observed=True, value=yi)
self.M = dict(y_outlier=y_outlier, beta=beta, model=model,
qi=qi, Pb=Pb, Yb=Yb, log_sigmab=log_sigmab,
self.sample_invoked = False
def sample(self, iter, burn, calc_deviance=True):
self.S0 = pymc.MCMC(self.M)
self.S0.sample(iter=iter, burn=burn)
self.trace = self.S0.trace('beta')
self.btrace = self.trace[:, 0]
self.mtrace = self.trace[:, 1]
self.sample_invoked = True
def triangle(self):
assert self.sample_invoked == True, \
'Must sample first! Use sample(iter, burn)'
corner(self.trace[:], labels=['$m$', '$b$'])
def plot(self, xlab='$x$', ylab='$y$'):
# plot the data points
plt.errorbar(self.xi, self.yi, yerr=self.dyi, fmt='.k')
# do some shimmying to get quantile bounds
xa = np.linspace(self.xi.min(), self.xi.max(), 100)
A = np.vander(xa, 2)
# generate all possible lines
lines = np.dot(self.trace[:], A.T)
quantiles = np.percentile(lines, [16, 84], axis=0)
plt.fill_between(xa, quantiles[0], quantiles[1],
color="#8d44ad", alpha=0.5)
# plot circles around points identified as outliers
qi = self.S0.trace('qi')[:]
Pi = qi.astype(float).mean(0)
outlier_x = self.xi[Pi < 0.32]
outlier_y = self.yi[Pi < 0.32]
plt.scatter(outlier_x, outlier_y, lw=1, s=400, alpha=0.5,
facecolors='none', edgecolors='red')
def ICs(self):
self.MAP = pymc.MAP(self.M)
self.BIC = self.MAP.BIC
self.AIC = self.MAP.AIC
self.logp = self.MAP.logp
self.logp_at_max = self.MAP.logp_at_max
return self.AIC, self.BIC
所以,当我们使用这个模型计算 BIC 和 AIC 时,我们会得到非常大的值(因为有很多点)。这完全有道理。然而,这不利于拥有许多数据点,这让我很恼火。另外,大的 AIC 和 BIC 会让不经意的观察者相信另一个模型(由于异常值而拟合不佳)实际上是更好的模型。
我在这里错过了 BIC 和 AIC 的微妙之处,还是使用混合模型的严酷现实,您总是必须使用一堆额外的二进制参数来表示数据点的成员资格?