I'm trying to get the list of tblActions from an xmlfile but keep getting nothing.

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<SecurityDS xmlns="http://tempuri.org/SecurityDS.xsd">
    <DefaultLoginDomain />
    <ActionName>Adjust(w/ value)</ActionName>
    <ActionName>State0(ex. Unoccupied for BV, BO)</ActionName>
    <ActionName>State1(ex. Occupied for BV, BO)</ActionName>

My Xpath I've tried:

  • .//tblAction
  • //tblAction
  • /SecurityDS/tblAction

My code snippet :

XmlNode root = fileContents.DocumentElement;

var nodes = root.SelectNodes(xpath_value);

In all cases I get zero nodes selected.


1 回答 1


您的 XML 有默认命名空间-namespace 声明,没有前缀 - 这里:

<SecurityDS xmlns="http://tempuri.org/SecurityDS.xsd">

后代元素隐式继承祖先默认值,除非另有说明。要在使用XmlDocument类时访问命名空间中的元素,您需要将前缀映射到命名空间 URI,然后在 XPath 中正确使用该前缀:

var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(new NameTable());
//register mapping of prefix to namespace uri 
nsmgr.AddNamespace("d", "http://tempuri.org/SecurityDS.xsd");
//pass the namespace manager instance as 2nd param of SelectNodes():
var nodes = root.SelectNodes(".//d:tblAction", nsmgr);
于 2015-08-30T03:23:35.843 回答