I have remote Linux machine (ubuntu 14.04) with remote SSH access and fresh installed TeamViewer 10.0.46203 (DEB).

I try to launch teamviewer and obtain TeamViewer ID via ssh console by this command :

  $ teamviewer --info

which print version, status, id.

But I did not have any success due to the fact that at it first launch it's required to accept the License agreement. So I try to launch with -X key via SSH but this window with accept the License agreement button does not appear! Only when it fail to accept license appear window with error message.

My question: how to accept teamviewer license agreement from/under console at first launch?


3 回答 3



通过 SSH 安装 TeamViewer 时,请记住必须接受 EULA 协议,然后 GUI 才能启动以接收 ID。

在以后的版本中将会有一个用于此的参数,但是,现在请使用以下命令停止 TeamViewer 守护程序:

teamviewer --daemon stop

然后只需在 /opt/teamviewer9/config/global.config 文件中添加以下行:

[int32] EulaAccepted = 1

[int32] EulaAcceptedRevision = 6

在此之后,请使用以下命令启动 TeamViewer 守护程序:

teamviewer --daemon start

另外,请运行命令(在基于 debian 的发行版中)

export DISPLAY=:0; nohup iceweasel &>/dev/null &

允许打开 GUI 并检索 TeamViewer ID。

然后,您可以使用该命令运行 TeamViewer,sudo teamviewer & disown因为它会从 shell 的作业控制中删除进程,但它仍会使其连接到终端。


Fedora 20 以下是步骤:

1.) SSH 进入机器以安装 TeamViewer(按照安装说明。如果 shell 命令需要帮助,那么teamviewer --help) 2.) 安装 TeamViewer 后请设置无人值守密码teamviewer --passwd [PASSWD] 3.) 之后请停止守护程序sudo teamviewer --daemon stop 4.) 写入global.conf 文件位于 /opt/teamviewer/config/global.conf 的以下行:

[int32] Always_Online = 1

[int32] EulaAccepted = 1

[int32] EulaAcceptedRevision = 6

5.) 然后启动守护进程,sudo teamviewer --daemon --start或者在需要时重新启动sudo teamviewer --daemon restart

6.) 然后用命令重启 GDMsystemctl restart gdm.service


于 2015-08-31T14:47:49.880 回答

在 TeamViewer 10 中licence,您可以选择接受 EULA。

$teamviewer license accept

您可能需要使用 重新启动 teamviewer 守护程序$teamviewer daemon restart

于 2016-10-13T15:26:04.053 回答

teamviewer 许可证接受


于 2021-08-17T15:28:33.737 回答