有没有办法在 Google App Engine 上运行 Javascript 引擎,比如 Spidermonkey?Spidermonkey 是一个 C 模块,所以显然这不起作用(GAE 不允许这些类型的模块)......还有其他可用的吗?
4 回答
If you are looking for a JavaScript framework (as opposed to calling Java methods from JavaScript) you could try RingoJS (formerly Helma NG). It's a Rhino-based JavaScript framework that can run in AppEngine.
There's also AppengineJS, which can run on RingoJS (or Narwhal, which I haven't personally used). It's a port of the Python SDK (with mostly predictable changes to fit JavaScript conventions better). It's not complete, but it's close enough to work in most cases. It's nicer to use than using the Java API directly.
这是一篇关于在 AppEngine/Java 上运行 Rhino 的文章。这应该会让您在 AppEngine 上实现一个真正的、功能正常的 JavaScript 应用程序还有很长的路要走。
如果您想尝试一下,我还构建了 ApeJS 。它比竞争对手小得多。
Google 现在支持 Google App Engine 上的自定义语言。所以我们可以做 Node.js