我有一个二进制类数据集(0 / 1),对“0”类有很大的倾斜(大约 30000 对 1500)。每个实例有 7 个特征,没有缺失值。

当我使用 J48 或任何其他树分类器时,几乎所有“1”实例都被错误分类为“0”。

将分类器设置为“未修剪”,将每个叶子的最小实例数设置为 1,将置信度因子设置为 1,添加一个带有实例 ID 号的虚拟属性——所有这些都没有帮助。


我也尝试了 Weka 提供的几乎所有其他分类器,但得到了类似的结果。

使用 IB1 可以获得 100% 的准确率(trainset on trainset),因此具有相同特征值和不同类的多个实例不是问题。

如何创建完全未修剪的树?或者以其他方式迫使 Weka 过度拟合我的数据?


更新:好的,这很荒谬。我只使用了大约 3100 个负例和 1200 个正例,这就是我得到的树(未修剪!):

J48 unpruned tree

F <= 0.90747: 1 (201.0/54.0)
F > 0.90747: 0 (4153.0/1062.0)

不用说,IB1 仍然提供 100% 的精度。

更新 2:不知道我是怎么错过的 - 未修剪的 SimpleCart 工作并在火车上提供 100% 准确度的火车;修剪后的 SimpleCart 不像 J48 那样有偏见,并且具有不错的误报率和误报率。


2 回答 2


Weka contains two meta-classifiers of interest:

They allows you to make any algorithm cost-sensitive (not restricted to SVM) and to specify a cost matrix (penalty of the various errors); you would give a higher penalty for misclassifying 1 instances as 0 than you would give for erroneously classifying 0 as 1.

The result is that the algorithm would then try to:

minimize expected misclassification cost (rather than the most likely class)

于 2010-07-15T19:57:05.490 回答

The quick and dirty solution is to resample. Throw away all but 1500 of your positive examples and train on a balanced data set. I am pretty sure there is a resample component in Weka to do this.

The other solution is to use a classifier with a variable cost for each class. I'm pretty sure libSVM allows you to do this and I know Weka can wrap libSVM. However I haven't used Weka in a while so I can't be of much practical help here.

于 2010-07-11T16:53:35.640 回答