我有多个脚本正在导出相同的接口,它们是在绝缘范围内使用 execfile() 执行的。
问题是,我希望他们共享一些资源,这样每个新脚本就不必从一开始就重新加载它们,从而降低启动速度并使用不必要的 RAM。
class SharedResources:
# Here should be a shared resource manager that I tried to write
# but got stuck. That's why I ask this long and convoluted question!
# Some beginning:
def __init__ (self, owner):
self.owner = owner
def __call__ (self):
# Here we should return some object that will do
# required stuff. Read more for details.
class plugin (dict):
def __init__ (self, filename):
# Here some checks and filling with secure versions of __builtins__ etc.
# ...
self["__name__"] = "__main__"
self["__file__"] = filename
# Add a shared resources manager to this plugin
self["SharedResources"] = SharedResources(filename)
# And then:
execfile(filename, self, self)
# Expose the plug-in interface to outside world:
def __getattr__ (self, a):
return self[a]
def __setattr__ (self, a, v):
self[a] = v
def __delattr__ (self, a):
del self[a]
# Note: I didn't use self.__dict__ because this makes encapsulation easier.
# In future I won't use object itself at all but separate dict to do it. For now let it be
# An example of two scripts that would use shared resource and be run with plugins["name"] = plugin("<filename>"):
# Presented code is same in both scripts, what comes after will be different.
def loadSomeResource ():
# Do it here...
return loadedresource
# Then Load this resource if it's not already loaded in shared resources, if it isn't then add loaded resource to shared resources:
shr = SharedResources() # This would be an instance allowing access to shared resources
if not shr.has_key("Default Resources"):
shr.create("Default Resources")
if not shr["Default Resources"].has_key("SomeResource"):
shr["Default Resources"].add("SomeResource", loadSomeResource())
resource = shr["Default Resources"]["SomeResource"]
# And then we use normally resource variable that can be any object.
# Here I Used category "Default Resources" to add and/or retrieve a resource named "SomeResource".
# I want more categories so that plugins that deal with audio aren't mixed with plug-ins that deal with video for instance. But this is not strictly needed.
# Here comes code specific for each plug-in that will use shared resource named "SomeResource" from category "Default Resources".
# And end of plugin script!
# And then, in main program we load plug-ins:
import os
plugins = {} # Here we store all loaded plugins
for x in os.listdir("plugins"):
plugins[x] = plugin(x)
假设我们的两个脚本存储在插件目录中,并且都使用了一些加载到内存中的 WAVE 文件。首先加载的插件将加载 WAVE 并将其放入 RAM。其他插件将能够访问已经加载的 WAVE 但不能替换或删除它,从而与其他插件混淆。
现在,我希望每个资源都有一个所有者、插件脚本的某个 ID 或文件名,并且该资源只能由其所有者写入。
# Dict that will hold a category of resources (should implement some security):
class ResourceCategory (dict):
def __getattr__ (self, i): return self[i]
def __setattr__ (self, i, v): self[i] = v
def __delattr__ (self, i): del self[i]
SharedResources = {} # Resource pool
class ResourceManager:
def __init__ (self, owner):
self.owner = owner
def add (self, category, name, value):
if not SharedResources.has_key(category):
SharedResources[category] = ResourceCategory()
SharedResources[category][name] = value
def get (self, category, name):
return SharedResources[category][name]
def rem (self, category, name=None):
if name==None: del SharedResources[category]
else: del SharedResources[category][name]
def __call__ (self, category):
if not SharedResources.has_key(category):
SharedResources[category] = ResourceCategory()
return SharedResources[category]
__getattr__ = __getitem__ = __call__
# When securing, this must not be left as this, it is unsecure, can provide a way back to SharedResources pool:
has_category = has_key = SharedResources.has_key
class plugin(dict):
def __init__ (self, path, owner):
self["__name__"] = "__main__"
# etc. etc.
# And when adding resource manager to the plugin, register it with this plugin as an owner
self["SharedResources"] = ResourceManager(owner)
# ...
execfile(path, self, self)
# ...
# Get a category we want. (Using __call__() ) Note: If a category doesn't exist, it is created automatically.
AudioResource = SharedResources("Audio")
# Use an MP3 resource (let say a bytestring):
if not AudioResource.has_key("Beep"):
f = open("./sounds/beep.mp3", "rb")
Audio.Beep = f.read()
# Take a reference out for fast access and nicer look:
beep = Audio.Beep # BTW, immutables doesn't propagate as references by themselves, doesn't they? A copy will be returned, so the RAM space usage will increase instead. Immutables shall be wrapped in a composed data type.
我想要一个 ResourceManager() 的实例来负责返回什么版本的存储数据。