我已经测试了 Xcode 中提供的用于制作 FinderSync 扩展的模板。一切都很好,除了两件事:

a) 当文件夹被监视时,系统永远不会调用 requestBadgeIdentifierForURL 方法,以便不设置标记。这里出了什么问题?我假设当我在 Finder 中移动或滚动受监控的文件夹时应该调用此方法是正确的?顺便说一句,方法 beginObservingDirectoryAtURL 和 endObservingDirectoryAtURL 在此上下文中被正确调用。

#import "FinderSync.h"

@interface FinderSync ()

@property NSURL *myFolderURL;


@implementation FinderSync

- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init];

    NSLog(@"%s launched from %@ ; compiled at %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath], __TIME__);

    // Set up the directory we are syncing.
    self.myFolderURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:@"/Users/hmaass/Downloads"];
    [FIFinderSyncController defaultController].directoryURLs = [NSSet setWithObject:self.myFolderURL];

    // Set up images for our badge identifiers. For demonstration purposes, this uses off-the-shelf images.
    [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeImage:[NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameColorPanel] label:@"Status One" forBadgeIdentifier:@"One"];
    [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeImage:[NSImage imageNamed: NSImageNameCaution] label:@"Status Two" forBadgeIdentifier:@"Two"];

    return self;

#pragma mark - Primary Finder Sync protocol methods

- (void)beginObservingDirectoryAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
    // The user is now seeing the container's contents.
    // If they see it in more than one view at a time, we're only told once.
    NSLog(@"beginObservingDirectoryAtURL:%@", url.filePathURL);

- (void)endObservingDirectoryAtURL:(NSURL *)url {
    // The user is no longer seeing the container's contents.
    NSLog(@"endObservingDirectoryAtURL:%@", url.filePathURL);

- (void)requestBadgeIdentifierForURL:(NSURL *)url {
    NSLog(@"requestBadgeIdentifierForURL:%@", url.filePathURL);

    // For demonstration purposes, this picks one of our two badges, or no badge at all, based on the filename.
    NSInteger whichBadge = [url.filePathURL hash] % 3;
    NSString* badgeIdentifier = @[@"", @"One", @"Two"][whichBadge];
    [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] setBadgeIdentifier:badgeIdentifier forURL:url];

#pragma mark - Menu and toolbar item support

- (NSString *)toolbarItemName {
    return @"testfifi";

- (NSString *)toolbarItemToolTip {
    return @"testfifi: Click the toolbar item for a menu.";

- (NSImage *)toolbarItemImage {
    return [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameCaution];

- (NSMenu *)menuForMenuKind:(FIMenuKind)whichMenu {
    // Produce a menu for the extension.
    NSMenu *menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle:@""];
    [menu addItemWithTitle:@"Example Menu Item" action:@selector(sampleAction:) keyEquivalent:@""];

    return menu;

- (IBAction)sampleAction:(id)sender {
    NSURL* target = [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] targetedURL];
    NSArray* items = [[FIFinderSyncController defaultController] selectedItemURLs];

    NSLog(@"sampleAction: menu item: %@, target = %@, items = ", [sender title], [target filePathURL]);
    [items enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        NSLog(@"    %@", [obj filePathURL]);


b) 运行上述模板时,我在 Xcode 的日志控制台中收到以下消息:

2015-08-25 15:33:00.300 testfifi [855:8134] 无法将 (colorGridView) 出口从 (NSApplication) 连接到 (NSColorPickerGridView):缺少设置器或实例变量 2015-08-25 15:33:00.300 testfifi [855 :8134] 无法从 (NSApplication) 连接 (查看) 出口到 (NSColorPickerGridView):缺少设置器或实例变量 2015-08-25 15:33:00.321 testfifi [855:8134] - [FinderSync init] 从 /Users/ 启动hmaass/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/testtest-egudnxkifjxirpbrjkohnatmjuro/Build/Products/Debug/testtest.app/Contents/PlugIns/testfifi.appex;编译于 20:38:18




3 回答 3



听起来您遇到的问题是另一个 Finder Sync 扩展“贪婪地”观察所有文件夹,很可能是 Dropbox Finder 集成。尝试禁用所有其他 Finder Sync 扩展(在 System Preferences -> Extensions -> Finder 下)并重新运行测试。

如果这解决了问题,则问题在于 Dropbox(或其他应用程序)已经为您尝试监控的文件夹调用了 beginObservingDirectoryAtURL。不幸的是,Apple 的 API 缺乏智能逻辑,当存在冲突的扩展名时谁可以监视文件夹。目前,无论哪个 Finder Sync 扩展首先启动都将“获胜”。

Dropbox 贪婪地监视用户主目录下的所有文件夹。我已经写信给 Apple 和 Dropbox 来解决这个问题,但没有收到任何回复。目前,我实施的(丑陋的)解决方法是关闭已知的“贪婪”扩展,启动我自己的扩展,然后重新启动贪婪扩展。

于 2015-08-27T18:33:08.403 回答

这是禁用“贪婪”Finder Sync 扩展的解决方法示例代码。没什么花哨的,但它确实有效。


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String[] greedyFSProcessNames =
        new String[] { "com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon" };

    List<String> disabledGreedyFSProcessNames = new ArrayList<>();

    for (String greedyFSProcessName : greedyFSProcessNames) {
        if (!_isFSProcessRunning(greedyFSProcessName)) {

        _enableFSProcess(greedyFSProcessName, false);


    _enableFSProcess("com.dejuknow.myfindersync", true);

    for (String disabledGreedyFSProcessName :
        disabledGreedyFSProcessNames) {

        _enableFSProcess(disabledGreedyFSProcessName, true);

private static boolean _isFSProcessRunning(String processName)
    throws Exception {

    BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;

    try {
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(
            "pluginkit -m -i" + processName);

        bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(
            new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));

        String line = null;

        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (line.startsWith("+")) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;
    finally {
        if (bufferedReader != null) {

    return false;

private static void _enableFSProcess(String processName, boolean enable)
    throws Exception {

    String electionArgument = null;

    if (enable) {
        electionArgument = "use";
    else {
        electionArgument = "ignore";

    String[] arguments = new String[] {
        "pluginkit", "-e", electionArgument, "-i", processName

    while (_isFSProcessRunning(processName) != enable) {
        Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(arguments);


于 2016-02-01T19:36:56.923 回答

我知道 Dropbox 使用的文件夹:~/Dropbox、~/Documents 和 ~/Desktop。我也有一个 FinderSync 应用程序,我可以在我的所有文件夹上显示徽章,除了那些。幸运的是,上下文菜单似乎没有发生任何冲突,两个扩展的菜单项都显示了。

于 2015-11-11T04:22:17.467 回答