I am working on a project that exposes a number of web services to the public. Right now I have the serialisation side done (Using ZendAMF) and now I need to do the authentication. I was looking over Zend Session and Zend Auth and they look like they do what I want, but while doing that research I came across a lot of people expression opinions that Zend is bloated or a hassle to deal with. Is this true? Are there alternatives I should consider? I don't need ACL. I would just like to avoid reinventing the wheel when it comes to basic session management and authentication (DB is Postgres).

Any input would be appreciated.



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  • 关于身份验证和会话管理,我不久前问过这个问题

  • 关于 Zend 是否臃肿,我有一个非常相似的问题,总结如下:作为一个通用库,它包含的代码比为单一目的优化的精简库更多,但技术基础是健康和坚实的。就我目前所知,这绝对是真的。

于 2010-07-10T19:06:36.200 回答