I recently upgraded both Drupal and CiviCRM to the latest versions. Drupal works fine, and so does Civi except when I move to the Civi menu, I get a message that says "Database check failed - the database looks to have been partially upgraded. You may want to reload the database with the backup and try the upgrade process again." This happened earlier and reloading the most recent backup didn't help. We had to go back quite a ways before we found one that did, then had to reload a lot of data from .CSV files and by hand. I'd rather not go through with that again. One thing we found when comparing the development site on my WAMP desktop (which was a new install that works well) with the one on my ISP's server is that the server version contained two MyISam-format files from, or generated by, CiviCase where Civi wants to see InnoDB-format files. My ISP, far more knowlegable than I am about MySQL, converted these two files two InnoDB and the problem remains. This leaves me with two questions:

  • could the MyISam files be the source of the "incomplete upgrade"? and
  • is there some way to reset a flag that tells Civi that the database is incomplete or to run the database check manually?

Thanks for any help. Civi seems to work OK as is, but the error message will be disturbing to my end users.


1 回答 1


当您开始 CiviCRM 数据库升级但尚未完成时,会出现该消息。CiviCRM 编辑 civicrm_domain 表中的版本号以标记您正在升级,升级完成后,它应该删除它。


  1. 您应该将所有内容恢复到一切正常的上一个版本——恢复代码和数据库。玩一会儿,确保没有发生任何有趣的事情。

  2. 运行正常的 CiviCRM 升级,替换文件并运行升级脚本。记下升级脚本运行时看起来很有趣的任何事情。您可以尝试做一个小升级——只是一个点发布——只是为了确保任何升级都能正常工作。

  3. 此时,您应该没有问题或更详细的问题。

最后,请注意现在有一个CiviCRM 特定的 StackExchange 站点,您可以在这里找到最多的 CiviCRM 专家来回答您的问题。

于 2015-08-25T15:37:42.303 回答