I ran "emerge apache" "emerge php" "emerge mysql"

I set apache + mysql to run at launch

I set the use flags for PHP, CGI, APACHE, MYSQL

I went into httpd.conf and added "-D PHP"

PHP scripts will not run. The contents of the script are just sent back to the web browser.

That is the result of retrieving "test.php" from a web-browser

I am baffled and frustrated. I have spend at least 6 hours trying to this LAMP setup working on this VPS. Please help me!

Also, "emerge mod_php" does not work. It tells me that no such package exists


1 回答 1


你在哪里添加“-D PHP”?

您应该编辑/etc/conf.d/apache2并附"-D PHP5"加到APACHE2_OPTS.

于 2010-07-10T16:11:56.143 回答