You disabled just ng-animations.
For me is much better to make animation duration 1ms instead of turning it off.
(becuse of some animation event handlers in code)
Try code below it will accelerate CSS animation, so it can solve your problem
onPrepare: function () {
// disable animations when testing
var disableAnimation = function () {
angular.module('disableAnimation', []).run(function ($animate) {
// disable css animations
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '* {' +
'-webkit-transition-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-moz-transition-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-o-transition-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-ms-transition-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'transition-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-webkit-animation-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-moz-animation-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-o-animation-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'-ms-animation-duration: 1ms !important;' +
'animation-duration: 1ms !important;' +
// disable angular ng animations
browser.addMockModule('disableAnimation', disableAnimation);