我有一个条形图(2D),我想让另一个向量的值 > 1 的部分的背景变为红色,即
图 = [2 3 5 4 9 1 7] 颜色 = [0 2 2 1 0 1 2]
因此条形图将显示通常的条形图,并且后面的背景(包括条形图之间的空间)在“3”、“5”和“7”(位置 2、3、7)的条形后面是红色的
%# define some parameters
backgroundColor = 'r';
backgroundWidth = 0.9;
foregroundWidth = 0.3;
%# collect the data
graph = [2 3 5 4 9 1 7];
color = [0 2 2 1 0 1 2];
x = 0:length(graph)-1;
colIdx = color>1;
bgBarHeight = max(graph)+1; %# background bars are 1 taller than max
%# first, plot red bars - I plot them as background as in your question,
%# not as transparent overlay as in your example (see yuk's answer for that)
%# use hold on to prevent background from disappearing
hold on
%# then, plot foreground bars. Use hold on so that the background isn't lost
%# label the axes
xlabel('X Axis')
ylabel('Y Axis')
稍微修改 Jonas 代码以使背景栏透明并更正一些错误:
%# define some parameters
foregroundColor = 'k';
backgroundColor = 'r';
foregroundWidth = 0.3;
backgroundWidth = 0.9;
%# collect the data
graph = [2 3 5 4 9 1 7];
color = [0 2 2 1 0 1 2];
x = 0:length(graph)-1;
colIdx = color>1;
bgBarHeight = max(graph)+1; %# background bars are 1 taller than max
%# first, plot foreground bars
b1 = bar(x,graph,foregroundWidth,'FaceColor',foregroundColor);
hold on
%# then, plot background bars.
%# they will overlap foreground bars, but we'll make them transparent later
b2 = bar(x,colIdx*bgBarHeight,backgroundWidth,'FaceColor',backgroundColor,'EdgeColor','none');
hold off
%# make background bars transparent
pch = get(b2,'child'); %# get patch objects from barseries object
set(pch,'FaceAlpha',0.3); %# set transparency
xlabel('X Axis')
ylabel('Y Axis')