我要比较的两个 xml 是:

   <a id ="tanvi">test</a>
   <a id ="aj">ram</a>
   <b id = "56">test</b>
   <a id ="kartikey">test2</a>
   <c foo = "bar">textchange</c>

   <a id ="tanvi">test2</a>
   <a id ="aj">ram</a>
   <b id = "56">test</b>
   <c foo = "bar">text</c>
   <c foo = "soo">textchange</c>


<a id ="tanvi">test2</a>    vs <a id ="tanvi">test</a>          text value change
<a id ="kartikey">test2</a> vs null                             not found
<c foo = "bar">text</c>     vs <c foo = "bar">textchange</c>    text value change
<d></d>                                 not found

我已经尝试使用RecursiveElementNameAndTextQualifier以及ElementNameAndAttributeQualifier. 但我没有得到想要的结果。


public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        DetailedDiff detailedDiff = null;
        try {
            FileReader base = new FileReader(new File(
            FileReader upgrade = new FileReader(new File(


            try {
                detailedDiff = new DetailedDiff(XMLUnit.compareXML(base,
                // detailedDiff
                // .overrideElementQualifier(new
                // ElementNameAndAttributeQualifier());
                        .overrideElementQualifier(new RecursiveElementNameAndTextQualifier());
                        .overrideDifferenceListener(new MyDifferenceListener());
            } catch (SAXException | IOException e) {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

        List<Difference> listOfDifferences = detailedDiff.getAllDifferences();
        for (Difference diff : listOfDifferences) {

            if (diff.getId() == 22) {
                if ((diff.getControlNodeDetail().getValue().equals("null") && diff
                        || (diff.getTestNodeDetail().getValue().equals("null") && diff
                                .equals("#text"))) {
                            .println("******************VALUE CHANGE*******************************");
                    System.out.print("Base Xpath: "
                            + diff.getControlNodeDetail().getXpathLocation()
                            + "\t");
                    System.out.println("Value: \'"
                            + diff.getControlNodeDetail().getValue() + "\'\t");
                    System.out.print("Test Node Xpath: "
                            + diff.getTestNodeDetail().getXpathLocation()
                            + "\t");
                    System.out.print("Value: "
                            + diff.getTestNodeDetail().getValue() + "\t");

                    System.out.println("Difference ID: " + diff.getId());
                    System.out.println("Difference: " + diff);
                    System.out.println("Description: " + diff.getDescription());


            System.out.print("Base Xpath: "
                    + diff.getControlNodeDetail().getXpathLocation() + "\t");
            System.out.println("Value: \'"
                    + diff.getControlNodeDetail().getValue() + "\'\t");
            System.out.print("Test Node Xpath: "
                    + diff.getTestNodeDetail().getXpathLocation() + "\'\t");
            System.out.print("Value: \'" + diff.getTestNodeDetail().getValue()
                    + "\'\t");
            System.out.println("Difference ID: " + diff.getId());
            System.out.println("Difference: " + diff);
            System.out.println("Description: " + diff.getDescription());



   public class MyDifferenceListener implements DifferenceListener {
    private static final int[] IGNORE_VALUES = new int[] {
            DifferenceConstants.HAS_CHILD_NODES_ID };

    static {

    private boolean isIgnoredDifference(final Difference difference) {
        int differenceId = difference.getId();
        for (int element : IGNORE_VALUES) {
            if (differenceId == element) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public int differenceFound(final Difference difference) {
        if (isIgnoredDifference(difference)) {
        } else {
            return RETURN_ACCEPT_DIFFERENCE;

    public void skippedComparison(final Node node, final Node node1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub



Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] Value: 'test'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1]'   Value: 'test2'  Difference ID: 14
Difference: Expected text value 'test' but was 'test2' - comparing <a ...>test</a> at /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] to <a ...>test2</a> at /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1]
Description: text value
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]   Value: 'a'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: 'd'  Difference ID: 10
Difference: Expected element tag name 'a' but was 'd' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[3] to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: element tag name
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]   Value: '1'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: '0'  Difference ID: 11
Difference: Expected number of element attributes '1' but was '0' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[3] to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: number of element attributes
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]/@id   Value: 'id' 
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: 'null'   Difference ID: 2
Difference: Expected attribute name 'id' but was 'null' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[3]/@id to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: attribute name
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]/text()[1] Value: '3'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]'    Value: '1'  Difference ID: 17
Difference: Expected node type '3' but was '1' - comparing <a ...>test2</a> at /root[1]/a[3]/text()[1] to <c...> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]
Description: node type
******************VALUE CHANGE*******************************
Base Xpath: null    Value: 'null'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]   Value: #text    Difference ID: 22
Difference: Expected presence of child node 'null' but was '#text' - comparing  at null to <c ...>text</c> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]
Description: presence of child node
Base Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/@foo Value: 'bar'    
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[2]/c[1]/@foo'   Value: 'soo'    Difference ID: 3
Difference: Expected attribute value 'bar' but was 'soo' - comparing <c foo="bar"...> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/@foo to <c foo="soo"...> at /root[1]/d[2]/c[1]/@foo
Description: attribute value


Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]   Value: 'a'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: 'd'  Difference ID: 10
Difference: Expected element tag name 'a' but was 'd' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[1] to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: element tag name
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]   Value: '1'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: '0'  Difference ID: 11
Difference: Expected number of element attributes '1' but was '0' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[1] to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: number of element attributes
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/@id   Value: 'id' 
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]' Value: 'null'   Difference ID: 2
Difference: Expected attribute name 'id' but was 'null' - comparing <a...> at /root[1]/a[1]/@id to <d...> at /root[1]/d[1]
Description: attribute name
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] Value: '3'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]'    Value: '1'  Difference ID: 17
Difference: Expected node type '3' but was '1' - comparing <a ...>test</a> at /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] to <c...> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]
Description: node type
******************VALUE CHANGE*******************************
Base Xpath: null    Value: 'null'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]   Value: #text    Difference ID: 22
Difference: Expected presence of child node 'null' but was '#text' - comparing  at null to <c ...>text</c> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]
Description: presence of child node
Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]/@id   Value: 'kartikey'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/@id' Value: 'tanvi'  Difference ID: 3
Difference: Expected attribute value 'kartikey' but was 'tanvi' - comparing <a id="kartikey"...> at /root[1]/a[3]/@id to <a id="tanvi"...> at /root[1]/a[1]/@id
Description: attribute value
Base Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/@foo Value: 'bar'    
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[2]/c[1]/@foo'   Value: 'soo'    Difference ID: 3
Difference: Expected attribute value 'bar' but was 'soo' - comparing <c foo="bar"...> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/@foo to <c foo="soo"...> at /root[1]/d[2]/c[1]/@foo
Description: attribute value


-----------------编辑 1-------------------------------------------- ----------

XMLUnit.setCompareUnmatched(false)与 结合使用时,ElementNameAndTextQualifier可以正确识别差异。


Base Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] Value: 'test2'  
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1]'   Value: 'test'   Difference ID: 14
Difference: Expected text value 'test2' but was 'test' - comparing <a ...>test2</a> at /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1] to <a ...>test</a> at /root[1]/a[1]/text()[1]
Description: text value
Base Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]    Value: 'text'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]'  Value: 'textchange' Difference ID: 14
Difference: Expected text value 'text' but was 'textchange' - comparing <c ...>text</c> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1] to <c ...>textchange</c> at /root[1]/d[1]/c[1]/text()[1]
Description: text value
Base Xpath: /root[1]/d[2]   Value: 'd'  
Test Node Xpath: null'  Value: 'null'   Difference ID: 22
Difference: Expected presence of child node 'd' but was 'null' - comparing <d...> at /root[1]/d[2] to  at null
Description: presence of child node
Base Xpath: null    Value: 'null'   
Test Node Xpath: /root[1]/a[3]' Value: 'a'  Difference ID: 22
Difference: Expected presence of child node 'null' but was 'a' - comparing  at null to <a...> at /root[1]/a[3]
Description: presence of child node
    Description: presence of child node



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