我试图了解 Android 中对任务关联性的需求。我也搜索了其他 SO 答案。
对于 singleTask 启动模式(或带有 NEW_TASK 标志的 Intent),系统会采取 3 个操作之一:
- 如果活动存在,它将恢复它
- 如果活动不存在,它将寻找具有匹配亲和力的任务来添加活动
- 如果没有找到匹配的任务,系统将创建一个以该活动为根的新任务
... if the intent passed to startActivity() contains the
FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag, the system looks for a different task to
house the new activity. Often, it's a new task. However, it doesn't have to be.
If there's already an existing task with the same affinity as the new activity, the
activity is launched into that task. If not, it begins a new task.
同样的链接也谈到task reparenting
. 这是我无法理解的另一个功能。该链接确实提供了一个天气/旅行应用程序的示例:
... suppose that an activity that reports weather conditions in selected cities
is defined as part of a travel application. It has the same affinity as other
activities in the same application (the default application affinity) and it allows
re-parenting with this attribute. When one of your activities starts the weather
reporter activity, it initially belongs to the same task as your activity.
However, when the travel application's task comes to the foreground, the weather
reporter activity is reassigned to that task and displayed within it.