每次出现像 WPF 这样的新功能时,都会将其添加到 .Net 框架中。您是否曾经担心客户端计算机上的磁盘空间?我是不是该?
6 回答
In my experience in .Net, if the client's computer has issues with the size of .Net, there are probably deeper problems to worry about, than if your program will work.
Considering that most recent versions of Windows install .Net by default, or in a service pack, I dare say there's very little to worry about.
Lastly, if you're an ASP.Net developer, your own .Net framework folders will be rather bloated by the "Temporary ASP.Net files" folder that gets created, so it'll be rather smaller for a user.
No. Disk space is probably the cheapest component of computers these days (in $/MB).
If anything, the .net framework is getting smaller, .net 3.5 was really, big ( 200+MB ) .net is smaller at 48MB nevermind the fact that you can use the client profile 29MB
Here is a link to a post by Hanselman about the .net 4 fm size and related info
随着数据量的增加,您必须将更多的数据加载到内存中——用尽 RAM,而且还要花费越来越多的时间从磁盘读取数据并通过内存总线传递数据。而且,随着 RAM 的使用,从磁盘读取的部分数据被换出,这意味着更多的写入时间,然后在您需要时读取更多的时间!当您尝试使用计算机时,这是一个缓慢、磁盘研磨和手指敲击的恶性循环。(只需查看带有 Resharper 等插件的 Outlook 或 Visual Studio 等示例即可了解我的意思)。
Yes. Mindlessly including code "because it can be theoretically useful one day, maybe" leads to code that's bloated and inefficient.
不。如果你想以 .NET 为目标,无论如何你都必须接受大小,所以为什么要担心呢?更重要的是用户拥有正确的版本和不需要太多用户交互的无缝安装。非技术用户不了解或关心 .NET,只想使用该应用程序。所以任何让他们等待的事情都会被负面看待。