I am new to Android development and am using MIT App Inventor 2, as I was completely lost in the official Android development tutorials. Below is the description of the program and the problem.

I am taking an unknown number of inputs from the user (from a listPicker), which are then saved to a global list. I want to run a python code with arguments sourced from this global list. The python code then churns this data along with input from 3 other text files, and returns back a list which I want to display in the app.

I have created both the android app and the python code, but I need to link them somehow. I tried Skulpt, but I am not sure how to get the 3 files to be read into python using that. I also tried Activity Starter, but can't figure out how to get that to fire up the QPython to execute the python script with these files, and give back the output.

Any suggestions to do this, or any other tools which can be used are welcome.


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