好的,对于大学来说,我们必须创建两个 Die 对象并滚动它们几次,计算出现的蛇眼的数量。
这是我拥有的代码,我需要一些帮助,因为每次编译和执行我的程序时,我都会失败。我不能 100% 确定我哪里出错了,除非你去我的大学,否则我不完全知道解决方案是否会有所帮助,但感谢任何帮助:) 谢谢。
失败是 - http://i.imgur.com/ghcOlpP.png
(这都是在 JPLIDE 中编码的)
final int ROLLS = 500;
int num1, num2, count = 0;
Die die1 = new Die();
Die die2 = new Die();
for (int roll=1; roll <= ROLLS; roll++)
{num1 = 1;
num2 = 1;
if (num1 == 1 && num2 == 1) // check for snake eyes
System.out.println ("Number of rolls: " + ROLLS);
System.out.println ("Number of snake eyes: " + count);
System.out.println ("Ratio: " + (float)count / ROLLS);
class Die
{private final int MAX = 6; // maximum face value
private int faceValue; // current value showing on the die
// Constructor: Sets the initial face value of this die.
public Die()
{faceValue = 1;
// Computes a new face value for this die and returns the result.
public int roll()
{faceValue = (int)(Math.random() * MAX) + 1;
return faceValue;
// Face value mutator. The face value is not modified if the
// specified value is not valid.
public void setFaceValue (int value)
{if (value > 0 && value <= MAX)
faceValue = value;
// Face value accessor.
public int getFaceValue()
{return faceValue;
// Returns a string representation of this die.
public String toString()
{String result = Integer.toString(faceValue);
return result;