我正在尝试在我的乒乓球比赛中引入一个新球,有点像加电。我正在第一帧的“动作”面板中编写所有代码。新球应该出现在舞台上并开始像原来的球一样随机移动。虽然我使用的是代码片段而不是 .as 文件。所以我所有的代码都在 Actions 面板中(按 f9 访问)。
我无法向您展示 fla 的样子,因为我的声望不到 10,但动态文本框不会合并到背景中,而是有一个白色的周围。当球上升时,这会隐藏球。
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
//hide mouse
init(); //initialises everything
var bSpeedX:int = -3.5;
var bSpeedY:int = -2.5;
// assign a maximum speed to the AI
var compPaddleSpeed:int = 3.5;
var pScore:int = 0;
var cScore:int = 0;
// Updates the score
function scoreUpdate():void {
playerScore.text = ("Player Score: " + pScore);
computerScore.text = ("AI Score: " + cScore);
function init():void //tells flash not to return values
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
/*we want the ySpeed to be larger if there
is a greater difference between the y
positions of the ball and paddle, so I started with
(gameBallY-padY). To convert this difference
into a number between -1 and 1, I divided
this number by 25, which
is half the height of the paddle. Finally, I wanted
the ySpeed to be more powerful than
just -1 to 1, and after a bit of trial and error
I decided to times by 5 at the end
to change the total magnitude of the new ySpeed.*/
//defying the laws of Physics
function calculategameBallAngle(padY:Number, gameBallY:Number):Number
var ySpeed:Number = 5 * ((gameBallY-padY) / 25 );
return ySpeed;
//main loop
function loop(e:Event):void
//makes the paddle track the mouse
playerPaddle.y = mouseY;
//paddle AI
if(compPaddle.y < gameBall.y - 10){
compPaddle.y += compPaddleSpeed;//make it go up
} else if(compPaddle.y > gameBall.y + 10){
compPaddle.y -= compPaddleSpeed;//make it go down
if( playerPaddle.hitTestObject(gameBall) == true ){
if(bSpeedX < 0){
bSpeedX *= -1;
bSpeedY = calculategameBallAngle(playerPaddle.y, gameBall.y);
} else if(compPaddle.hitTestObject(gameBall) == true ){
if(bSpeedX > 0){
bSpeedX *= -1;
bSpeedY = calculategameBallAngle(compPaddle.y, gameBall.y);
//makes the gameBall move
gameBall.x += bSpeedX; //each frame, we add the bSpeedX to the ball's x position.
gameBall.y += bSpeedY; //same for the bSpeedY to the ball's y postion.
// checks to see if the ball misses the paddle
if(gameBall.x <= gameBall.width/2){
gameBall.x = gameBall.width/2;
bSpeedX *= -1;
cScore ++;
//keeps the ball within the stage
} else if(gameBall.x >= stage.stageWidth-gameBall.width/2){
gameBall.x = stage.stageWidth-gameBall.width/2;
bSpeedX *= -1;
pScore ++;
if(gameBall.y <= gameBall.height/2){
gameBall.y = gameBall.height/2;
bSpeedY *= -1;
else if(gameBall.y >= stage.stageHeight-gameBall.height/2){
gameBall.y = stage.stageHeight-gameBall.height/2;
bSpeedY *= -1;
//keeps the player paddle within the stage
//check if paddle is above top of the screen
if(playerPaddle.y - playerPaddle.height/2 < 0){
playerPaddle.y = playerPaddle.height/2;
} else if(playerPaddle.y + playerPaddle.hieght/2 > stage.stageHeight){
playerPaddle.y = stage.stageHeight - playerPaddle.height/2;
//check if paddle is below bottom of the screen
} else if(playerPaddle.y + playerPaddle.height/2 > stage.stageHeight){
playerPaddle.y = stage.stageHeight - playerPaddle.height/2;