我将 IBM Bluemix 用于推送通知服务。几个小时前,我能够向自己发送多个通知。我将 GCM 信息添加到了我的 Bluemix 应用程序的 Push 配置中。另一位开发人员使用我的计算机创建了一个新的 Bluemix 应用程序,以尝试复制我的应用程序以供理解。他们使用了与我的应用程序相同的 .p12 文件,现在当我运行连接到我的 Bluemix 应用程序或他们的 Bluemix 应用程序的 iOS 应用程序时,我收到此错误:

2015-08-18 15:56:55.377 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75912] INFO: Checking for 

previous registration of this application.
2015-08-18 15:56:55.378 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75912] INFO: Using the identifierForVendor API for UUID.
2015-08-18 15:56:55.382 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75912] INFO: Payload :: (null)
2015-08-18 15:56:55.383 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75912] INFO: URL :: https://mnppushnotifications.mybluemix.net/push/v1/apps/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/devices?filter=registrationId%20==%206CBD6BD1-135D-49FC-A9D1-031D6714ECE4&expand=true
2015-08-18 15:56:56.692 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75977] NSURLConnection/CFURLConnection HTTP load failed (kCFStreamErrorDomainSSL, -9843)
2015-08-18 15:56:56.696 IBMBluemixNotifications[721:75912] ERROR: Request failure: url=https://mnppushnotifications.mybluemix.net/push/v1/apps/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/devices?filter=registrationId%20==%206CBD6BD1-135D-49FC-A9D1-031D6714ECE4&expand=true NSURLERRORDOMAIN--1202E: The certificate for this server is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be “mnppushnotifications.mybluemix.net” which could put your confidential information at risk.

我在 Bluemix 上删除了其他开发人员的应用程序,但仍然遇到同样的错误。先感谢您。


1 回答 1


When the other developer tried to replicate my app on Bluemix they uploaded the same .p12 file I used in my Bluemix app. When both certs are uploaded and running, Bluemix flags your apps to have duplicate cert error. If you delete only one of the app the flag is not removed therefor I had to delete my Bluemix app and start over, reloaded the same cert to Bluemix and only one app and then it started to work.

于 2015-08-19T19:09:06.487 回答