我最近使用 OpenTK 使用 C# 和 OpenGL 制作了一个应用程序。为了提高性能,我集成了一个截锥体剔除系统,但由于某些原因,对象未被正确剔除。我的意思是,它不是很好地显示所有可见对象,而是剔除随机对象,当我旋转相机时,一些对象会出现和消失。我知道这很正常,但不是在我应该看到他们的时候。实际的截锥体剔除代码是我在其他地方使用的工作 C++/DirectXMath 代码的 C# 端口。
// Create a new view-projection matrices.
var vp = viewMatrix * projMatrix;
// Left plane.
frustumPlanes[0] = new Vector4
X = vp.M14 + vp.M11,
Y = vp.M24 + vp.M21,
Z = vp.M34 + vp.M31,
W = vp.M44 + vp.M41
// Right plane.
frustumPlanes[1] = new Vector4
X = vp.M14 - vp.M11,
Y = vp.M24 - vp.M21,
Z = vp.M34 - vp.M31,
W = vp.M44 - vp.M41
// Top plane.
frustumPlanes[2] = new Vector4
X = vp.M14 - vp.M12,
Y = vp.M24 - vp.M22,
Z = vp.M34 - vp.M32,
W = vp.M44 - vp.M42
// Bottom plane.
frustumPlanes[3] = new Vector4
X = vp.M14 + vp.M12,
Y = vp.M24 + vp.M22,
Z = vp.M34 + vp.M32,
W = vp.M44 + vp.M42
// Near plane.
frustumPlanes[4] = new Vector4
X = vp.M13,
Y = vp.M23,
Z = vp.M33,
W = vp.M43,
// Far plane.
frustumPlanes[5] = new Vector4
X = vp.M14 - vp.M13,
Y = vp.M24 - vp.M23,
Z = vp.M34 - vp.M33,
W = vp.M44 - vp.M43
// Normalize all the planes.
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
frustumPlanes[i] = Vector4.Normalize(frustumPlanes[i]);
public bool CullSphere(Vector3 position, float radius = 0.0f)
foreach (var plane in frustumPlanes)
// Verify if the point is behind the plane.
if (Vector3.Dot(plane.Xyz, position) + plane.W < -radius)
return true;
return false;