
我需要类似http://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/jQuery-Plugin-For-Horizo ​​ntal-Text-Scrolling-Simple-Marquee/ 的东西,但是有 prev 和 next 控件(而且是免费的,我在代码峡谷)。有什么建议么?


1 回答 1


jQuery News Ticker 是一个开源库,可以滚动,具有前进和后退控件,以及暂停等高级功能。希望这可以帮助..



$(function () {
        speed: 0.10,           // The speed of the reveal
        ajaxFeed: false,       // Populate jQuery News Ticker via a feed
        feedUrl: false,        // The URL of the feed
                           // MUST BE ON THE SAME DOMAIN AS THE TICKER
        feedType: 'xml',       // Currently only XML
        htmlFeed: true,        // Populate jQuery News Ticker via HTML
        debugMode: true,       // Show some helpful errors in the console or as alerts
                           // SHOULD BE SET TO FALSE FOR PRODUCTION SITES!
        controls: true,        // Whether or not to show the jQuery News Ticker controls
        titleText: 'Latest',   // To remove the title set this to an empty String
        displayType: 'reveal', // Animation type - current options are 'reveal' or 'fade'
        direction: 'ltr'       // Ticker direction - current options are 'ltr' or 'rtl'
        pauseOnItems: 2000,    // The pause on a news item before being replaced
        fadeInSpeed: 600,      // Speed of fade in animation
        fadeOutSpeed: 300      // Speed of fade out animation
于 2015-08-18T19:59:43.910 回答