在 ipython4 中使用 pymc3 我得到一些与 ipython 的 api 有关的错误:

ShimWarning: The `IPython.html` package has been deprecated. You should 
import from `notebook` instead. `IPython.html.widgets` has moved to
`ipywidgets`. "`IPython.html.widgets` has moved to `ipywidgets`.", ShimWarning)
./lib/python3.4/site-packages/IPython/utils/traitlets.py:5: UserWarning: IPython.utils.traitlets 
has moved to a top-level traitlets package.
warn("IPython.utils.traitlets has moved to a top-level traitlets package."

这部分 api 是否足够稳定,值得我尝试稳定其上的代码,还是仍在大力开发?


1 回答 1


这是 IPython API 的一个问题。有一个等待合并的拉取请求可以消除此警告。

于 2015-08-24T01:50:35.527 回答