所以,我有我的语言的基本解析器,并且根据Is possible to parse "off-side" (indentation-based) 语言与 fparsec?
我想为它合并基于缩进的语法,就像在 python 中一样。
但是,我很难看到如何将 indentationParser 与我的合并,它们与类型不匹配发生冲突。
type ExprC =
| BoolC of bool
| DecC of decimal
| MathC of MathOp * array<ExprC>
| VarC of string
| BlockC of BlockCodeC
| IfC of LogiOpC * BlockCodeC * BlockCodeC
| LoopC of ExprC * BlockCodeC
module Parser2
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open FParsec
open TablaM
let tabStopDistance = 8 // must be a power of 2
module IndentationParser =
type LastParsedIndentation() =
val mutable Value: int32
val mutable EndIndex: int64
type UserState =
{Indentation: int
// We put LastParsedIndentation into the UserState so that we
// can conveniently use a separate instance for each stream.
// The members of the LastParsedIndentation instance will be mutated
// directly and hence won't be affected by any stream backtracking.
LastParsedIndentation: LastParsedIndentation}
static member Create() = {Indentation = -1
LastParsedIndentation = LastParsedIndentation(EndIndex = -1L)}
type CharStream = CharStream<UserState>
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>
// If this function is called at the same index in the stream
// where the function previously stopped, then the previously
// returned indentation will be returned again.
// This way we can avoid backtracking at the end of indented blocks.
let skipIndentation (stream: CharStream) =
let lastParsedIndentation = stream.UserState.LastParsedIndentation
if lastParsedIndentation.EndIndex = stream.Index then
let mutable indentation = stream.SkipNewlineThenWhitespace(tabStopDistance, false)
while stream.Peek() = '#' do
stream.SkipRestOfLine(false) // skip comment
indentation <- stream.SkipNewlineThenWhitespace(tabStopDistance, false)
lastParsedIndentation.EndIndex <- stream.Index
lastParsedIndentation.Value <- indentation
let indentedMany1 (p: Parser<'t>) label : Parser<'t list> =
fun stream ->
let oldIndentation = stream.UserState.Indentation
let indentation = skipIndentation stream
if indentation <= oldIndentation then
Reply(Error, expected (if indentation < 0 then "newline" else "indented " + label))
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indentation = indentation}
let results = ResizeArray()
let mutable stateTag = stream.StateTag
let mutable reply = p stream // parse the first element
let mutable newIndentation = 0
while reply.Status = Ok
&& (results.Add(reply.Result)
newIndentation <- skipIndentation stream
newIndentation = indentation)
stateTag <- stream.StateTag
reply <- p stream
if reply.Status = Ok
|| (stream.IsEndOfStream && results.Count > 0 && stream.StateTag = stateTag)
if newIndentation < indentation || stream.IsEndOfStream then
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indentation = oldIndentation}
Reply(List.ofSeq results)
Reply(Error, messageError "wrong indentation")
else // p failed
Reply(reply.Status, reply.Error)
open IndentationParser
let reserved = ["for";"do"; "while";"if";"case";"type"]
let DecimalParser : Parser<_, unit> =
// note: doesn't parse a float exponent suffix
numberLiteral NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction "number"
|>> fun num ->
decimal num.String
let isBlank = fun c -> c = ' ' || c = '\t'
let ws = skipMany1SatisfyL isBlank "whitespace"
let str_ws s = pstring s .>> ws
let comment = pstring "#" >>. skipRestOfLine false
let wsBeforeEOL = skipManySatisfy isBlank >>. optional comment
let pidentifierraw =
let isIdentifierFirstChar c = isLetter c || c = '_'
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_'
many1Satisfy2L isIdentifierFirstChar isIdentifierChar "identifier"
let pidentifier =
>>= fun s ->
if reserved |> List.exists ((=) s) then fail "keyword"
else preturn s
let keyword str = pstring str >>? nextCharSatisfiesNot (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c) <?> str
let pvar = pidentifier |>> VarC
let booleans = choice[stringReturn "true" true <|> stringReturn "false" false] .>> spaces |>> BoolC
let decimals = DecimalParser |>> DecC
let pliteral = decimals <|> booleans //<|> pstringliteral
let expression1 = spaces >>? choice[pliteral;pvar]
let between a b p = pstring a >>. p .>> pstring b
let expr, exprImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let parens = expr |> between "(" ")"
let lhExpression = choice[pliteral; parens; pvar]
do exprImpl := spaces >>. choice[attempt parens;
(* Rules of associations *)
type Assoc = Associativity
let opp = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<ExprC,unit,unit>()
let parithmetic = opp.ExpressionParser
let terma = (lhExpression .>> spaces) <|> parithmetic .>> parens
opp.TermParser <- terma
let mathOps = [
"+", Add, 1;
"-", Sub, 1;
"*", Mul, 2;
"/", Div, 2
for str:String, op:MathOp, precedence:int in mathOps do
opp.AddOperator(InfixOperator(str, spaces, precedence, Assoc.Left, fun x y -> MathC(op, [| x; y |])))
let indentedStatements, indentedStatementsRef = createParserForwardedToRef()
let doBlock = keyword "do" >>. (pipe2 (ws .>> wsBeforeEOL)
(fun a stmts ->
let lines = stmts |> List.toArray
let ifBlock = keyword "if" >>. doBlock
let forBlock = keyword "for" >>. doBlock
let funBlock = keyword "fun" >>. doBlock
let statement = ifBlock <|> forBlock <|> funBlock <|> lhExpression <|> parithmetic
do indentedStatementsRef := indentedMany1 statement "statement"
let document = indentedStatements .>> spaces .>> eof
let parse str =
runParserOnString document (UserState.Create()) "" str
let statement = ifBlock <|> lhExpression <|> parithmetic
Error FS0001: Type mismatch. Expecting a Parser<ExprC list,unit> but given a Parser<'a list> The type 'unit' does not match the type 'UserState' (FS0001) (TablaM)