Python 模式在 Emacs 23 和 24 之间发生了相当大的变化。没有任何配置可以让你做你想做的事。
但是,Emacs 非常灵活,您可以建议该(python-indent-context)
(defun python-fake-indent-context (orig-fun &rest args)
(let ((res (apply orig-fun args))) ; Get the original result
(pcase res
(`(:inside-string . ,start) ; When inside a string
`(:inside-string . ,(save-excursion ; Find a point in previous non-empty line
(_ res)))) ; Otherwise, return the result as is
;; Add the advice
(advice-add 'python-indent-context :around #'python-fake-indent-context)
使用旧 Emacs 的旧 defadvice 可以达到相同的效果:
(defadvice python-indent-context (after python-fake-indent-context)
(pcase ad-return-value
(`(:inside-string . ,start) ; When inside a string
(setq ad-return-value ; Set return value
`(:inside-string . ,(save-excursion ; Find a point in previous non-empty line
(ad-activate 'python-indent-context)