我正在尝试在我的应用程序中构建更通用的查询功能。我想做的是定义给定谓词表达式的对象,该对象可以将其应用于具有稍后将传入的值的 iqueryable。
//in practice the value of this would be set in object constructor likely
private Expression<Func<Contact, string, bool>> FilterDefinition = (c, val) => c.CompanyName.Contains(val);
//this needs to filter the contacts using the FilterDefinition and the filterValue. Filterval needs to become the string parameter
private IQueryable<Contact> ApplyFilter(IQueryable<Contact> contacts, string filterValue)
//this method is what I do know know how to contruct.
// I need to take the FilterDefinition expression and create a new expression that would be the result if 'filtervalue' had been passed into it when it was created.
//ie the result would be (if 'mycompany' was the value of filterValue) an expression of
// c => c.CompanyName.Contains("mycompany")
Expression<Func<Contact, bool>> usableFilter = InjectParametersIntoCriteria(FilterDefinition, "SomeCompanyName");
//which I could use the results of to filter my full results.
return contacts.Where(usableFilter);