我正在尝试使用 OTA 和 HP ALM 11.52 在“分析视图”中创建报告。我搜索了 OTA 参考文档并在线查找示例,我找到了一些示例,但似乎没有一个有效。



TDConnection.testFactory.BuildSummaryGraph("TS_STATUS", "TS_STATUS", "", 0, myFilter, False, False)

and a third method involving an AnalysisItemFactory object that I can't find anywhere in the OTA documentation.

我已经尝试了前两个,它们似乎在没有触发错误的情况下运行,但是 ALM 中没有出现图表。



        'Method 1: GraphBuilder

        'Set GB = QCConnection.GraphBuilder

        'Set G1 = GB.CreateGraphDefinition(2, 0)
        'G1.Property(0) = "TS_NAME"
        'G1.Property(1) = "TC_STATUS"
        'Set tsf = QCConnection.TestSetFactory
        'Set myFilter = tsf.Filter
        'myFilter.Filter ("TC_STATUS") = "Not(N/A)"
        'G1.Filter = "Filter: Status[Not N/A]"
        'Set g = GB.BuildGraph(G1)

        'Method 2: BuildSummaryGraph            

        'Dim testF
        'Dim graph1
        'Dim Filter

        'Set testF = QCConnection.testFactory

        'Set myFilter = testF.Filter
        'myFilter.Filter("TS_STATUS") = "Not(N/A)"

        'Set graph1 = _
        'testF.BuildSummaryGraph("TC_NAME", "TS_STATUS", "", 0, myFilter, False, False)

        'Method 3: AnalysisItemsFactory? I can't find any documentation on this object, yet I've seen it referenced in other code samples.

        'Set aiFolderFact = QCConnection.AnalysisItemFolderFactory
        'Set aiFact = QCConnection.AnalysisItemFactory ~~~ This line actually runs fine so I know it at least exists. But I am definitely not using the proper methods below.

        'Set G1 = aiFact.AddItem("")
        'G1.Field("AI_PARENT_ID") = 1001 'Public
        'G1.Field("AI_TYPE") = "Graph"
        'G1.Field("AI_SUB_TYPE") = "Progress Graph"
        'G1.Field("AI_OWNER") = qcUserName.Value
        'G1.Field("AI_MODULE") = "requirement"
        'G1.Field("AI_NAME") = "test graph"



我查看了这些表,似乎有“Analysis_Item_Folder”和“Analysis Items”表,所以知道可以通过 OTA 客户端执行此操作。是否有 AnalysisItemFactory,有人可以提供我正在寻找的示例脚本吗?


2 回答 2


我能够在此 HP ALM 论坛条目的帮助下生成报告。正如论坛中提到的,它不是 HP ALM 的官方文档功能。因此,将来它可能无法在没有更换的情况下工作。请记住这一点。

万一论坛条目可能被删除,我在这里复制了一个名为“ delarosa62 ”的用户的答案(复制日期2015/9/8):

嗨 MichaelMotes 和其他社区成员。

我开发了一个 VBA 代码来自动生成仪表板标准报告。我得到了你提到的“成功的例外”。但是我的报告没有在我的硬盘中生成。

我没有收到任何错误。 我已使用 OTA 将您的 Visial Basic 代码改编为 VBA。我在 VBA 模块窗口的工具/参考选项中注册了 otareport 1.0 类型库和 otaxml 类型库。


Sub externalSTDReports()

    Dim reqFact  
    Dim reqFilter  
    Dim reqList      
    Dim gTDConn As Object  

    Set gTDConn = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")

    'QC Connection data    

    login_id = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CONFIG").Cells(9, 3).value  
    login_passwd = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CONFIG").Cells(10, 3).value  
    domain_name = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CONFIG").Cells(11, 3).value  
    project_name = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CONFIG").Cells(12, 3).value  
    server_name = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("CONFIG").Cells(13, 3).value            

    gTDConn.InitConnectionEx server_name      
    gTDConn.login login_id, login_passwd      
    gTDConn.Connect domain_name, project_name

    Set Rep = New OTAREPORTLib.Reporter            
    Call Rep.SetConnection(gTDConn, 0)     ' This line  doesn´t return errors. But I don´t know if it is correct                      
    Set RepConf = Rep.ReportConfig                        
    Rep.File = "C:\Users\cris\AppData\Local\Temp\TD_80\4c223b57\Reports\std.html"            
    Rep.Template = "C:\Users\cris\AppData\Local\Temp\TD_80\4c223b57\Reports\default.xsl"
    '******************************************************** filter Reports    

    Set aiFact = gTDConn.AnalysisItemFolderFactory  
    Set reportFact = gTDConn.AnalysisItemFactory
    Set aiFilter = aiFact.Filter  
    Set aiList = aiFilter.NewList  
    Set anf = reportFact.Filter  

    Dim FilterStr As String       

    For Each ai In anf.NewList            
        reportName = ai.Name       
        reportID = ai.id           

        If reportName = "tmp" Then                 
            FilterStr = ai.Field("AI_FILTER_DATA")             
            RepConf.Filter = FilterStr                

            On Error Resume Next 
            'i is empty. Don´t know why

            i = Rep.Generate(0, 0)                 MsgBox i & " --- " & Rep.File                         Debug.Print Rep.File      '--------------------         Exit For      
        End If

    Set gTDConn = Nothing   
    Set aiFact = Nothing   
    Set reportFact = Nothing
    Set aiFilter = Nothing     
    Set aiList = Nothing    Set anf = Nothing
    Set RepConfig = Nothing
    Set Rep = Nothing          

    MsgBox "END "
End Sub    'Pls HELP!!
于 2015-09-08T14:37:10.260 回答

Graphs can be generated under analysis folder, its a bit of a process because you need a sound understanding of the database, XML and OTA API. There is no direct API available for building graphs, I have created the code samples below


Check the following functions





These functions are called from the tests available below


Look for test function


If you have any questions regarding the process, please let me know.

于 2019-03-18T18:27:20.417 回答