我有多个要联合在一起的查询,然后编译整个事情。未编译的查询运行良好,但“InvalidOperationException:'UserQuery+Foo' 的成员访问 'Int32 Id' 在类型 'System.Linq.IQueryable`1[UserQuery+Foo] 上不合法。” 编译和运行相同的查询时会引发异常。
void Main()
var db = new MyDataContext( "..." );
Expression < Func < DataContext, int, IQueryable < Foo > > > queryExpression = (DataContext dc, int unused) =>
from ab in GetA(dc).Union( GetB(dc) )
group ab by new { ab.Id, ab.Name } into grp
select new Foo
Id = grp.Key.Id,
Name = grp.Key.Name,
Total = grp.Count()
var final = CompiledQuery.Compile ( queryExpression );
var result1 = queryExpression.Compile () (db, 0); // calling the original query works fine
var result2 = final (db, 0); // calling the compiled query throws an exception
public class Foo
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Total { get; set; }
IQueryable<Foo> GetA( DataContext db )
return from b in db.GetTable<Bar>()
where b.IsActive
select new Foo { Id = b.Id, Name = b.Name };
IQueryable<Foo> GetB( DataContext db )
return from b in db.GetTable<Bar>()
where !b.IsActive
select new Foo { Id = b.Id, Name = b.Name };
Expression < Func < DataContext, int, IQueryable < Foo > > > queryExpression = (DataContext dc, int unused) =>
from a in GetA(dc)
select new Foo
Id = a.Id,
Name = a.Name,
Total = 42
并添加 where 子句可解决问题。
Expression < Func < DataContext, int, IQueryable < Foo > > > queryExpression = (DataContext dc, int unused) =>
from a in GetA(dc)
select a;
此查询抛出NotSupportedException: Method 'System.Linq.IQueryable``1[UserQuery+Foo] GetA(System.Data.Linq.DataContext)' has no supported translation to SQL.
将对 GetA 的调用拉到单独的变量赋值中,然后在查询中使用该变量会引发InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one element