所以,我试图在我的 GNUTLS 服务器中实现 SNI。
if(sniCallback != NULL) {
size_t ds = 256;
char data[ds];
unsigned int type = (unsigned int)GNUTLS_NAME_DNS;
int snir = gnutls_server_name_get(sessiond, &data[0], &ds, &type, (unsigned int)0);
data[ds - 1] = 0; // the last one must always be \0
if(snir >= 0) {
jstring js = (*this)->NewStringUTF(this, data);
jlong snicert = (*this)->CallLongMethod(this, sniCallback, (*this)->GetMethodID(this, (*this)->GetObjectClass(this, sniCallback), "getSNICert", "(Ljava/lang/String;)J"), js);
if(snicert > 0L) {
struct cert* oc = (struct cert*)snicert;
gnutls_credentials_set(sessiond, GNUTLS_CRD_CERTIFICATE, oc->cert);
} else {
printf("%i\n", snir);
文档将其转换为未发送 SNI(尚未)。我如何知道我何时拥有 SNI 信息?AKA 我什么时候收到客户您好?我直接从 Chrome 获得这个,所以我知道有 SNI。顺便说一句,这都是NIO。