For tiny spreadsheets (30,000 rows) it's great.
I'm struggling with v2.2.5 with a spreadsheet that has over 1 million rows across all sheets. I'm using: setProcessFormulas(false) and expect < 60 seconds. It seems to spin forever and I haven't seen one complete.
Even though I'm using an InputStream I see very little cpu usage as if its operating only on a single thread. I've used other xls writing strategies that have handled much larger spreadsheets without much issue so it would appear to be something internal.
protected void workbookToStream(Map beanParams, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
try(InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(templateBytes)) {
JxlsHelper helper = JxlsHelper.getInstance();
helper.processTemplate(is, os, new Context(beanParams));