异常编号 15 十进制是 Cortex M3 上的 SYSTICK 中断。
ARM Cortex M3 技术参考手册有一个表格(表 5-1 - 异常类型)列出了 M3 使用的各种中断号。
Exception type Position Priority Description
-------------- ------------ -------- ------------------------------------
Reset 1 –3 (highest) Invoked on power up and warm reset. On first instruction,
drops to lowest priority (Thread mode). This is asynchronous.
Non-maskable Int 2 –2 Cannot be stopped or pre-empted by any exception but reset.
This is asynchronous.
Hard Fault 3 –1 All classes of Fault, when the fault cannot activate because of
priority or the Configurable Fault handler has been disabled.
This is synchronous.
Memory Management 4 Configurable Memory Protection Unit (MPU) mismatch, including access
violation and no match. This is synchronous. This is used
even if the MPU is disabled or not present, to support the
Executable Never (XN) regions of the default memory map.
Bus Fault 5 Configurable Pre-fetch fault, memory access fault, and other
address/memory related. This is synchronous when precise
and asynchronous when imprecise.
Usage Fault 6 Configurable Usage fault, such as Undefined instruction executed or illegal
state transition attempt. This is synchronous.
- 7-10 - Reserved
SVCall 11 Configurable System service call with SVC instruction. This is
Debug Monitor 12 Configurable Debug monitor, when not halting. This is synchronous, but
only active when enabled. It does not activate if lower priority
than the current activation.
- 13 - Reserved
PendSV 14 Configurable Pendable request for system service. This is asynchronous
and only pended by software.
SysTick 15 Configurable System tick timer has fired. This is asynchronous.
External Interrupt 16 and above Configurable Asserted from outside the core, INTISR[239:0], and fed
through the NVIC (prioritized). These are all asynchronous.