我目前正在跟踪我的 Metal 应用程序中的一些视觉弹出,并相信这是因为我直接绘制到帧缓冲区,而不是后台缓冲区
// this is when I've finished passing commands to the render buffer and issue the draw command. I believe this sends all the images directly to the framebuffer instead of using a backbuffer
[renderEncoder endEncoding];
[mtlCommandBuffer presentDrawable:frameDrawable];
[mtlCommandBuffer commit];
[mtlCommandBuffer release];
//[frameDrawable present]; // This line isn't needed (and I believe is performed by presentDrawable
这是我如何设置 CAMetalLayer 对象的代码片段。
+ (id)layerClass
return [CAMetalLayer class];
- (void)initCommon
self.opaque = YES;
self.backgroundColor = nil;
-(id <CAMetalDrawable>)getMetalLayer
id <CAMetalDrawable> frameDrawable;
while (!frameDrawable && !frameDrawable.texture)
frameDrawable = [self->_metalLayer nextDrawable];
return frameDrawable;
我可以在我的 CAMetalLayer 对象上启用后缓冲区,还是需要自己滚动?