Our company is building an internal mobile app for corporate mobile devices. AirWatch is used as an MDM solution.

App would have to access data from internal servers (by calling Web.API services). Additionally, each user will have to use their AD (Active Directory) accounts to login to the app (verified against internal AD records). I envision this can be done through Web.API service as well?

I've researched that for existing applications AirWatch provides "App Wrapping" (link), which supposedly takes care of Authentication & App Tunneling (granting access and routing your Mobile App to internal corporate servers using AirWatch VPN).

However I don't have any info on how to implement this. Has anyone done anything similar? Any advice would be appreciated.


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我以前从未这样做过,但根据 AirWatch 文档:

您可以将可用的 AirWatch SDK 和 App Wrapping 功能应用于您的内部应用程序,以集成您的应用程序并添加额外的功能。

然后,只需要实现您的应用程序,无论是否使用 SDK,但我建议您集成它,并将其上传到 AirWatch 控制台。在那里,您可以启用 App Wrapping 和配置选项的过程。

请联系您的 AirWatch 管理员以访问 App Wrapping Guide、Mobile Application Management Guide、AirWatch Software Development Kit for Android。

于 2015-08-13T15:59:00.547 回答