Example Data Sql fiddle http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/c8a17/4
My Query
unnest(array[g,g1,g2]) as disp,
unnest(array[g,g||'-'||g1,g||'-'||g1||'-'||g2]) as grp,
unnest(array[1,2,3]) as ord,
unnest(array['assesvalue','lst2','salesvalue','itemprofit','profitper','itemstockvalue'])as analysis,
unnest(array[value1,tt,sv,tp,per,tsv])as val
from (
sum(value1) as value1,
sum(tt) as tt,
sum(sv) as sv,
sum(tp) as tp,
sum(per) as per,
sum(tsv) as tsv
from table1
group by g,g1,g2
) as ta
It Show the output like this
disp grp ord analysis val
A A 1 assesvalue 100
B A-B 2 lst2 30
C A-B-C 3 salesvalue 20
A A 1 itemprofit 5
B A-B 2 profitper 1
C A-B-C 3 itemstockvalue 10
Expected Result :
disp grp ord analysis val
A A 1 assesvalue 100
A A 1 lst2 30
A A 1 salesvalue 20
A A 1 itemprofit 5
A A 1 profitper 1
A A 1 itemstockvalue 10
B A-B 2 assesvalue 100
B A-B 2 lst2 30
B A-B 2 salesvalue 20
B A-B 2 itemprofit 5
B A-B 2 profitper 1
B A-B 2 itemstockvalue 10
C A-B-C 3 assesvalue 100
C A-B-C 3 lst2 30
C A-B-C 3 salesvalue 20
C A-B-C 3 itemprofit 5
C A-B-C 3 profitper 1
C A-B-C 3 itemstockvalue 10
In Query i am using multiple unnest
first 3 unnest
inside have 3 columns other have 6 columns that its show wrong output but if last 2 unnest
have less then 6 its show my expected result.
what am doing wrong in query??
i am using postgresql 9.3