I am using UIImagePickerController
to capture the image. Now I want to crop the image. I am using cameraOverlayView
method of UIImagePicker
but it does not allow to move my cropping view. I want my cropping view should be moveable and resizable so that user can select image portion to use.
I am using the following code:
UIImagePickerController *cameraPicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
cameraPicker.delegate = self;
cameraPicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
cameraPicker.cameraDevice = UIImagePickerControllerCameraDeviceRear;
UIView *overlay = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)];
cameraPicker.cameraOverlayView =overlay;
cameraPicker.allowsEditing = NO;
[self presentViewController:cameraPicker animated:YES completion:nil];
Can anyone suggest what can I do?