我正在尝试使用 opencv javacpp-presets(版本 3.0.0-1.0)并使用下面的代码片段从图像(二进制化)中提取文本。代码片段是从这个 python 版本的代码翻译而来的。
OpenCV Error: Bad flag (parameter or structure field) (Unrecognized or unsupported array type) in cvGetMat, file src\array.cpp, line 2494
// Load the image
Mat image_orig = imread(inputFile);
if ( image_orig.empty() ) { LOGGER.error("Empty image!");}
this.image = new Mat();
//Add a border to the image for processing sake
copyMakeBorder(image_orig, this.image, 50, 50, 50, 50, BORDER_CONSTANT);
//# Calculate the width and height of the image
this.img_y = this.image.arrayHeight();
this.img_x = this.image.arrayWidth();
if (DEBUG)
LOGGER.info("Image is " + this.img_x + "x" + this.img_x);
//Split out each channel
Mat red = new Mat();
Mat green = new Mat();
Mat blue = new Mat();
MatVector v = new MatVector(blue, green, red);
split(image, v);
//Run canny edge detection on each channel
Mat blue_edges = new Mat();
Canny(blue, blue_edges, 200, 250);
Mat green_edges = new Mat();
Canny(green, green_edges, 200, 250);
Mat red_edges = new Mat();
Canny(red, red_edges, 200, 250);
//Join edges back into image
Mat edges = new Mat();
MatVector vEdges = new MatVector(red_edges, green_edges, blue_edges);
merge(vEdges, edges);
//Find the contours
Mat edgesCopy = new Mat();
Mat hierarchy = new Mat();
MatVector contours = new MatVector();
findContours(edgesCopy, contours, hierarchy, RETR_TREE, CHAIN_APPROX_NONE);