def update_photo
require 'RMagick'
require 'base64'
# get the image data in Photo table
@photo = Photo.where(id: params[:photo_id]).first
# get image path in S3 url and encode to Base64 binary
img_url = @photo.s3_url()
img_uri = URI.parse(img_url)
base64_image = Base64.encode64(open(img_uri) { |io| io.read })
image_file_name = File.basename(img_uri.path,File.extname(img_uri.path))
filename_path = "#{Rails.root.to_s}/tmp/#{image_file_name}"
# create tempfile in rails root/tmp folder and decode the Base64 binary into image file, then processing RMagick to rotate the image into desire image rotation.
@tempfile = Tempfile.new(filename_path)
@tempfile.write Base64.decode64(base64_image)
# rotate image using RMagick
# for security we want the actual content type, not just what was passed in
# get mime type of image and passed into ActionDispatch type
content_type = `file --mime -b #{@tempfile.path}`.split(";")[0]
# we will also add the extension ourselves based on the above
# if it's not gif/jpeg/png, it will fail the validation in the upload model
extension = content_type.match(/gif|jpeg|png/).to_s
extension = "jpg" if extension == "jpeg"
# append filename to prevent browser image caching
filename_path += "_#{params[:photo_degree]}"
filename_path += ".#{extension}" if extension
# passed the data into Rails core ActionDispatch instead of file input object
file = ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile.new({
tempfile: @tempfile,
type: content_type,
filename: filename_path
# delete the existing image
# create new image
img_rotate = Photo.new()
img_rotate.id = @photo.id
img_rotate.uploaded_data = file
def clean_tempfile
if @tempfile