Is it possible to add a custom template "tab" (for lack of a better term) to the start screen in Word 2013? In other words, is it possible to add another section in addition to "Featured" and "Personal?" in the interface below?

Default Word start screen.

I'm interested in the feasibility of adding a, say, "Legal" tab, to surface templates developed specifically for an organization's legal department. I'm aware that a custom template directory can be pushed down via domain policy (read: registry edit) such that custom templates appear under the "Personal" tab, but that's not really ideal given the administrative overhead. Not to mention that the templates aren't "personal" at all.

Ideally, I'd like to accomplish this via an Office app. Looking at the JavaScript API for Office documentation, however, it doesn't seem immediately possible.

This post (via this SO question) describes the registry change and seems to suggest that customizing the "backstage" isn't possible.

Is such a customization possible? If so, via what means of customization? Using an Office add-in (managed), an Office app, some other registry modification...?

(And yes, I'm aware that "add-in" is the new term; for the sake of clarity I use the term "add-in" in the question to refer to the managed add-in project template available in Visual Studio 2013 as opposed to the Office app or Cloud app for Office templates)


2 回答 2


您将无法使用基于 JavaScript 的 Office 插件将自定义组添加到可用模板(该技术的功能相当有限 - 它的主要优点是它可以跨平台运行)。


在 Office 2010 中部署自定义模板

该文章讨论了 Office 2010,但它也适用于 Office 2013。您只需将注册表项中的版本号从 14.0 更改为 15.0。

于 2015-08-13T08:56:46.090 回答

是的,我相信可以通过使用 Visual Studio 2013 创建 Word 2013 VSTO 加载项来实现 Backstage 选项卡。(这也可以通过将 Ribbon XML 嵌入到启动时加载的 VBA 加载项模板中来实现。)

我将在下面概述的操作过程的开头说,我认为创建自定义 Legal 功能区选项卡会更容易,并且可能提供更好的 UI 体验,其中包含由模板图像填充的图库控件。(根据用例,自定义任务窗格也可能提供很好的解决方案。)


您提供的屏幕截图是启动 Word 2013 时出现的初始 Backstage 视图。(此视图仅在启动时出现,以后使用此 Word 实例访问模板需要通过 Backstage New 选项卡。)据我所知,此 Backstage“启动屏幕”无法修改,第一步是禁用它通过转到File|Options|General|Startup Options并取消选中Show the Start screen when this application startup 。这将导致 Word 启动到空白文档并永久删除此初始屏幕。并且可以通过组策略将此设置下推到用户 PC。(如果您禁用此设置,然后使用自定义功能区选项卡路线,您可以在启动时在功能区中直观地显示您的模板。)



Word Backstage 视图通过功能区 XML 代码进行更改。此代码嵌入在 VBA 模板加载项中,或通过使用 C#、F# 或 VB.NET 在 Visual Studio 中内置的 VSTO 加载项交付。要隐藏内置的新建选项卡,XML 将包含以下代码:

<tab idMso="TabOfficeStart" visible="false"/>


Office 2013 Fluent 用户界面控件标识符


  1. 在 Visual Studio 中创建加载项项目(或 VBA 中的模板)
  2. 编写功能区 XML,它将删除新选项卡并插入带有合法模板的自定义选项卡

为开发人员自定义 Office 2010 后台视图(也适用于 Office 2013)

在 Office 2010 后台视图中创建自定义选项卡(也适用于 Office 2013)

  1. 部署加载项

这应该可以帮助您入门,但您可能需要查找有关插件创建和 Backstage 自定义的其他文章。

于 2015-08-12T04:53:41.170 回答